Slow Food Day returns to Reggio Calabria

The SLOW FOOD REGGIO CALABRIA Convivium joins the great celebration of Slow Food Day, the day in which the territorial and regional entities belonging to the Slow Food network and the Italian Slow Food Communities organize events throughout the Peninsula. An opportunity to raise awareness of the projects and activities that the Chiocciola association carries out at a local level and to create a moment of sharing that involves everyone towards a common goal: “reactivate a dialogue with food that allows us to emerge from the condition of consumers to become creators: of choices, of actions, of meanings – he claims Barbara Nappini, president of Slow Food Italy -. Next May 18th we will celebrate our pride in being Slow Food.

On farms, in allied restaurants and in the squares, the association demonstrates with activists who support and talk about good, clean and fair food. This year our primary commitment is dedicated to the introduction of nutrition education as compulsory teaching in schools of all levels. An objective to be pursued together, as a global food movement, to make food an instrument of awareness and pleasure. For those who believe in the right of everyone to a life of peace and beauty and to the food that nourishes it“.

Saturday 18th May we’ll see you at our desk in Piazza Italia on Corso Garibaldi, you can find us from 9am to 12pm.

This activity was organized by our youth group, our SFYN, who increasingly feel the responsibility of having to commit themselves as activists of a cultural movement on food that has a vision of the future based on the concepts of “good, clean and fair as a right of all” . Saturday’s activity, in addition to describing the activities carried out and those planned, will be an opportunity to join our association by signing the card, taste local products that tell the story of the agricultural biodiversity heritage of our province of Reggio” – M. Crucitti, Slow Food trustee Reggio Cal.

The event is part of a rich calendar of initiatives taking place simultaneously in all regions, which testify to the awareness that must be at the basis of the choices we make every day: from the purchases we make, to the clothes we wear, to the ways we which we choose to move from one place to another, to the visions we have of how to create a good, clean, fair and healthy relationship between women, men and nature.

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