Melazzini investigated in Sicily, Alta Valtellina shaken

Valtellina, and even more so Alta Valtellina, has been shaken by the news of the involvement of Mario Melazzini, 65 years old, from Pavia, but with origins from Sondri, in the investigation by the Messina Prosecutor’s Office into alleged irregularities in the management of the private clinical center Nemosud and of the Messina Polyclinic. Nine people are under investigation, including Mario Melazzini, in his capacity as former president of the Aurora non-profit foundation which manages the Nemosud clinical center in Messina, with the alleged crimes of embezzlement and corruption for an act contrary to official duties and the issuing of precautionary measures such as house arrest which also impose a temporary ban on contracting with the public administration and carrying out business in the healthcare sector.

Translated, Melazzini also had to suspend himself from his current position as medical director of Niguarda by taking advantage of ordinary leave and this means that, temporarily, he is out of the picture. Next Monday, May 20, the questioning by the judge will be held and, in that context, Melazzini, assisted by the lawyer Candido Bonaventura of the Messina bar, will be able to give his explanations.

«The news surprised me and I immediately commented on Facebook wishing Mario Melazzini to emerge as soon as possible and unscathed from this judicial affair – the comment of Ezio Trabucchi, president of the popular movement “Rinascita Morelli autonomi” – also because it is not the first time that a person, especially if well known like Melazzini, is exposed in the media and then comes the acquittals. So we need to be very, very cautious.”

This is from a personal point of view, while with regard to the repercussions of the affair at a local level, Trabucchi has some doubts. «Certainly these events will have consequences for us too given the role held until yesterday by Melazzini at Niguarda and his interest in the healthcare of the Upper Valley also in view of the Olympics – says Trabucchi -, after which, however, in concrete terms, no I believe there could be real upheavals.”

More than anything, Trabucchi feels like making a general reflection on the management of relations between public and private healthcare. «Apart from the specific case and, I repeat, always wishing Melazzini the best – he specifies – it seems to me that in healthcare there is a discretion in choices, in making decisions, which needs to be reflected upon. Because this relationship between public healthcare and private healthcare remains problematic almost everywhere, see the Liguria case. The issue is on the table, there is too much money, too much interest, and the risk of dubious situations being created, which need to be investigated further, is high. And this, in my opinion, must be remedied by the legislator, favoring a more serious approach to the topic at all levels, because there are too many scandals in healthcare.”

And closeness to Mario Melazzini is also expressed by Gerlando Marchica, vice-president of “Rinascita Morelli autonomi”. movement, political, whatever you want – says Marchica -, but this does not exempt me from wishing him to emerge unscathed from this judicial affair. I express my human solidarity to him, and I wish all the best to a person who, today, certainly experiences moments of profound loneliness. And I regret the fact that all those who in recent days have praised him, thanked him and cut ribbons with him, in the Upper Valley, have not yet found a way to show their closeness to him. Because I haven’t noticed much solidarity towards this man during these hours.”

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