“Space for young people in confiscated assets”

“Space for young people in confiscated assets”
“Space for young people in confiscated assets”


SAN CIPRIANO D’AVERSA“The culture of legality and the environment in schools” is a series of meetings aimed mainly at young students, to raise their awareness on issues such as legality and the formation of a civic conscience that allows the territory to evolve and improve, starting from the revaluation of confiscated assets returned to the community.

Promoted by Agrorinasce in collaboration with the National Association of Magistrates, the meeting took place this morning in the “EG Segrè” Scientific High School in San Cipriano d’Aversa, with students from the linguistic, classical, human sciences and scientific fields.

Introducing the seminar was the Director of the “EG Segrè” Scientific High School, Rosa Lastoria, who thanked Agrorinasce for the organization of the seminar and for the collaborative relationship that has continued for years, inviting the students to be able to seize the opportunity offered by the meeting with such authoritative magistrates. Following this, the report by Giovanni Allucci, CEO of Agrorinasce, clearly clarified the purposes for which Agrorinasce was founded 26 years ago: not only the revaluation of confiscated assets, but through them the re-appropriation of common spaces that include young people from a employment and creative point of view, a territorial regeneration that looks at legality and development. The Municipality of San Cipriano d’Aversa, the place where the meeting took place, is and was an important Municipality for the birth and development of Agrorinasce: the only Municipality not to be placed under a commissioner in 1998, when Agrorinasce was established, current registered office of the Consortium and with numerous confiscated assets inaugurated and to be inaugurated in the near future. In this regard, the precious testimony of Angelo Reccia, former Mayor of San Cipriano d’Aversa from 1998 to 2002 and current President of the municipal council, who with unpublished episodes recalled the difficult territorial context of the time, the courage in fighting against organized crime, from small steps towards the restoration of legality, to the great current results achieved which are even more valuable when compared with the initial illegal context.

Words that also reached the conscience of the young students were those of the President of Agrorinasce Elena Giordano: “You must think of the law, the rule, the command not as something separate from the rights of others, not as a nuisance, but an expression of conscience civic, a feeling”. Starting from constitutional values, Dr. Giordano underlined the importance of caring for and valorising confiscated assets “following the work of the judiciary and the police”. The Deputy Prosecutor of the North Naples Court Maria Di Mauro is of the same opinion: “A personal and institutional thanks to Agrorinasce, because without them our confiscation work would be in vain. The values, the messages of legality that we are talking about today are the result of a story, of episodes that were watershed in the world of anti-mafia legislation, as in the case of the death of Don Peppe Diana. The judge recounts her personal experience as a young public prosecutor present in S. Maria CV who together with the carabinieri reached the site of the murder in the Church of San Nicola. The murder of Don Peppe Diana was certainly a watershed in the consciences of all of us”, Dr. Di Mauro finally highlighted how the Camorra is an expression of violence and contrary to clichés, violence is not a sign of strength, but of weakness and the violence of crime is a factor that concerns everyone, because their violence makes our cities sick.

Finally, the Captain of the Carabinieri Company of Casal di Principe Marco Busetto declared: “Today the Constitution was cited, it was said that violence is a form of weakness and illegality is weakness. Our interlocutors are you young students, at a decisive age to understand what to do in life, to make decisive life choices. Here, as elsewhere, there is the usual crossroads: the path of delinquency or the path of legality? On the one hand, the allure of evil, made up of power, luxury, violence, temporary, illusory, a criminal world destined to be repressed, goods that end in confiscation. We investigators can tell you, even from the details, for example from the details that emerge during wiretaps, how full of loneliness the lives of criminals are. The path of legality, the path of placing oneself at the service of the community, however, is much more paved and difficult, one does not live in luxury, one does not acquire absolute power, but we can say out loud that none of us is alone, none of us lives Of fear”.

Present at the event were Filomena Zippo, Councilor for events, culture and sport of the Municipality of San Cipriano d’Aversa and Pietro Martino, Councilor for Public Works of the Municipality of San Cipriano d’Aversa.

In conclusion, many questions from the students of the “EG Segrè” high school to the guests and a fruitful intergenerational dialogue.

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