the deadline for submitting the request


“Following the approval by the Civic Assembly of the Tari exemption/reduction proposal for the year 2024, the notice that will allow approximately 3,000 families to obtain the total exemption or a reduction in the tax is published on the Municipality’s institutional website waste for the year 2024, to be paid with the first installment next July”, the branch councilor will communicate it Roberto Cicala.

“Taxpayers entitled to the benefits reported in the notice – explains Cicala – they must have a valid ISEE of less than 9,360 euros; or individuals over seventy with 100% disability and sole members of their family unit. The rankings will be published next June and competition will be up to the allocated amount of 595 thousand euros, pursuant to art. 24 of the Tari regulation, according to the following criteria: for category “A”, citizens with ISEE less than 9,360 euros; category “B” up to 38,000 euros for citizens over seventy, with 100% disability and sole members of their family unit. Taxpayers who fall within the ranking of beneficiaries of the measure will receive the contribution as early as the first bill of 2024″.

“An important step has been achieved by the municipal administration which, thanks to the unanimous vote of the municipal council, aims to be a concrete sign of additional help to families in difficulty due to high bills and more generally due to the many increases linked to the cost of life”declare the mayor Federico Basile and the councilor Cicala.

You can view the announcement at the links:

Category A: ISEE less than €9,360.00…

Category B: over seventy with 100% disability and sole family members…

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