USB union of Catanzaro on a war footing: state of agitation proclaimed at the ASP | Calabria7

USB union of Catanzaro on a war footing: state of agitation proclaimed at the ASP | Calabria7
USB union of Catanzaro on a war footing: state of agitation proclaimed at the ASP | Calabria7

“We, members of USB Sanità Catanzaro, officially announce the proclamation of the State of Unrest on the Provincial Health Authority of Catanzaro. This decision is the first step towards a possible future call for a strike.” This is what we read in a note issued by the union itself. “It is with great concern – write the trade unionists of USB Sanità Catanzaro – that we take this decision, aware that a strike would put a healthcare system already severely tested by years of mismanagement and linear cuts in staff and beds in serious crisis. However, as healthcare workers, even if we have always put the care of others first with professionalism and passion, at this moment we find ourselves forced to act in the face of the serious problems that afflict our working environment. Before arriving at this drastic decision, we repeatedly raised our concerns with the Company’s management. Unfortunately, despite our requests, adequate measures have not been taken.”

The “multiple” reasons for the state of agitation

The reasons that led the trade unionists to proclaim the state of unrest are multiple: “The strong shortage of staff both within the hospital facilities and the SUEM 118 units. The non-payment of additional services provided by the staff during the month of August 2023 . Failure to provide meal vouchers, even though they are required by national regulations. The numerous reports received by our Trade Union Organization regarding the lack of safety in the workplace, with premises not adequately equipped, new emergency vehicles without airbags on the passenger side and workers who carry out the work shift alone with the risk of not being rescued in case of sudden illness. The lack of remuneration for dressing and undressing time and the absence of an hour bank to allow the accumulation of these times as hourly credit. The failure to pay the productivity bonus for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023. The lack of an internal regulation governing the transfer of workers between the various departments and between the various hospital units, which favors a less than transparent management of intra-company changes. Violations regarding rest times after the night shift and the incorrect provision of annual leave. Repeated requests not compliant with the CCNL produced by the human resources management office such as the disposal of holidays for incoming workers with compensatory changes or with family reunification. Added to this are the very long waiting times perpetuated by the same office to have these basic rights recognised. Added to all this is a hostile attitude towards the union leaders of our organization who more than once have been denied information on multiple administrative practices of their members which have long been lying on the tables of the company offices”.

USB Sanità Catanzaro invites all the company’s workers and all the citizens of the province of Catanzaro to join the protest: “We can no longer ignore these serious problems that undermine the quality of our work and put the health of patients at risk. In fact, we reiterate that our protest is not only to improve working conditions, but also to guarantee better assistance in our provincial and regional health system. It is with this spirit that in addition to the proclamation of the state of unrest, our Trade Union Organization will initiate appropriate reporting to the competent bodies to verify compliance with safety regulations in the workplace”.

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