DC QUARTERLY TURIN AND MONCALIERI 10 MAY 2024: Turin and Moncalieri central offices – more attention is needed!

On May 10th we met with the company to discuss the current situation in the central structures of Turin and Moncalieri. Below we report the topics addressed.

The company presented us with the slides of the transformation process underway within the structures relating to the CDAITO Governance Area headed by Massimo Proverbio.

The digitalisation journey goes through several phases; particular attention was paid to the theme and . We talked about, about Cyber ​​Resilience but, above all, to the new corporate methods of identifying and enhancing professionalism:

  • (Forecast of 800 with differentiated skills and adequate seniority levels (69% junior and 31% expert and senior);
  • (Differentiation of supervision by application area facilitated by the insourcing of

skills and enhancement of technical skills);

  • (Attention to Tech profiles and alignment with the best market practices of Tech Companies);
  • Acquisition of IVS to manage the group’s foreign banks.

One of the declared objectives is to bring back, within GT, the know-how that will allow us to “return” to developing the software internally, progressively reducing exposure to the outside. This is achieved through generational turnover, expansion of internal skills and optimization of spending.

Naturally we also talked about professions and “Tech Lead”. Tech Leads operate within the Domains to support the Chapter Leads as an interface between the Chapter and Domain/Platforms.

At the moment, around 60 colleagues have signed up voluntarily to the initiative, and who received a “letter of appointment” accepting automatically “the new role” with a shift from Platform to Domain. Colleagues have been identified for their professional skills already acquired which will allow them to be a point of reference for the “profession” on which they will insist as Tech Leads.

As specified by the company, the engagement letter it does not involve any obligation for colleagues. Interested parties, if they wish, can renounce the assignment at any time to operationally “return” to the role previously assigned to them. On the other hand, it couldn’t be otherwise given that the position of Tech Lead it is not regulated, does not provide for additional financial recognition, does not provide a specific career path, does not provide for the recognition of a coordination role operational towards the structures and people with whom it will collaborate and towards whom Not will cover no hierarchical role.

Although we considered the initiative interesting, we reiterated the usual doubts about the methods of incentivising the colleagues involved. It cannot always be just an “opportunity” without efforts, professionalism and commitment are also recognized economically.

Furthermore, we have highlighted how the considerable amount of “senior” hires, with RAL e AP a lot high, lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction among those who have been with the company for years and who have always, with their commitment and professionalism, allowed the bank to achieve its brilliant objectives. Unfortunately, we have always complained about fixed positions, non-existent professional advancement, and very slow salary progression. The company spoke to us about its commitment to “compensation” activities. We will verify the facts, but we remain quite pessimistic: certainly if the company is not available to find satisfactory solutions for the expectations of the entire workforce, disappointment and disaffection will only increase.

In general, we reiterate that the continuous reorganizations of recent years do nothing but put colleagues in difficulty, especially when they find themselves faced with a sudden change in assigned activities without the right training support.

Speaking of “training”, we believe it is really complicated for more “senior” colleagues (and ineffective for “younger” ones) to have to train newly hired colleagues, taking away time, space and energy from the work activities assigned to them. Training should have its own dignity. Its own space and its own defined time. It cannot be left to improvisation.

Even tools like the Title, if left in the hands of operational managers who, too often absentmindedly assigned “random” jobs, become almost useless if not harmful. And this behavior is even more worrying if we think that the Title-based model will be progressively extended to all colleagues in the Central Directorates.

We therefore invite the managers of the structures of Tech People Management And People Tech & Change Management to carefully monitor the impact of the changes on people and the real application of the new evaluation methodologies, perhaps by increasing HR supervision, because having a HR manager for every 200 colleagues it is not up to par with a company that claims to be so attentive to the needs of “its people”.

We continue to report a decline in the quality and quantity of meals served in the canteens of the Moncalieri Technology Center and the NCD. The company contacted the service manager who said he was willing to listen to colleagues’ reports through a survey that will be prepared in the coming weeks. As regards the queues that form during the busiest hours, especially in the canteen of the Moncalieri campus, the company has informed us that it is verifying the possibility of modifying the layout in order to reduce inconvenience and make the spaces more usable. The company also informed us of its intention to speak to the manager of the bar inside the Moncalieri complex to verify the prices displayed to the public.

The company has informed us that the experimentation of an in-site distribution initiative will soon begin on fridge lockers, which will be installed inside the buildings, of agricultural products booked and purchased online by colleagues through the company website “joinfruit fresh”. Further communications will follow.

As regards the break areas, we asked for greater attention to the maintenance of the microfiltered water dispensers and greater attention to the cleanliness of the environments.

Soon, on the NCD, all the “energy corners” and “relationship areas” will be completed.

Work is underway to adapt the spaces in the western area of ​​the NCD canteen which will be incorporated into the spaces of the new gym. The NCD gym is expected to open in early September; through its communication channels, the company will inform colleagues in good time of the methods of use and the promotions that will be activated.

On this point we reiterated the importance of the same initiative being launched in the Moncalieri palace as well. The company has not currently ruled out; they are doing some reasoning.

Also at the NCD, charging stations for electric cars will be installed inside the B3 car park for the use and consumption only of the company fleet’s cars.

Work is underway on the renovation of the toilets and the adaptation of the fire doors in the PSC building. At the moment, no further interventions are planned on the buildings of PSC de Via Monte.

As regards the Moncalieri hub, the company has informed us of its intention to present the New Way Of Working project by the end of 2024 as already started on the NCD. We have highlighted how the critical issues currently present in the system for booking stations and managing spaces at the NCD have not been resolved and that there is concern that the same problems may also arise on the Hub. Fundamentally, the main problem, linked to the booking procedure, consists in the fact that it is not sufficiently dynamic with respect to the flexibility guaranteed to colleagues and that the available workstations are not always sufficient to cope with demand. It must be said that even some careless behavior on the part of colleagues does not help. In this regard, the company pointed out to us that any behavior that does not comply with the internal code of conduct could be punishable. We therefore invite all colleagues to pay maximum attention.

Always regarding the Moncalieri Polo we reiterated our desire to ask that the building be identified as HUB to respond to requests that we receive from colleagues in the area concerned. The company has not ruled out the possibility even if, at the moment, it is only a hypothesis under study.

The company informed us that the curricular internship contracts are not contracts that will be stabilized. These are scholastic training relationships. This does not exclude that, in the future, the same people may be the subject of contact by the company.

Turin/Moncalieri, 05/16/2024

RSA ISP Central Structures – Turin and Moncalieri

DC QUARTERLY TURIN AND MONCALIERI 10 MAY 2024: Turin and Moncalieri central offices – more attention is needed!

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