“In Sicily there are high costs and a lack of facilities”

“In Sicily there are high costs and a lack of facilities”
“In Sicily there are high costs and a lack of facilities”

May 16, 2024, 2.58pm

1 minute read

PALERMO – Anci Sicilia met with the deputy minister of the environment and energy security, Vannia Gavayesterday afternoon in Rome, to address the issue of critical issues in waste management in Sicily, with particular reference to the high costs weighing on municipalities, citizens and businesses and the subject of a specific analysis by the Association.

Waste, ANCI intervenes

At the meeting, in addition to the president and general secretary of the Association of Sicilian Municipalities, Paolo Amenta and Mario Emanuele Alvano and Raphael Rossi, in the capacity of expert, he also took part Laura D’Aprilehead of the sustainable development department of Mase.

The president of Anci Sicily highlighted how, despite the commitment of the municipalities of the island has led, in recent years, to an exponential growth in separate waste collection, the lack of systems does not allow adequate valorisation of recyclable waste and easy disposal of the undifferentiated fraction.

The strategy

The ministry exposed the strategy and tools put in place to deal with it these critical issues and in particular the rule with which commissioner powers were attributed to the president of the region, Renato Schifanias well as the substantial funds for new plants drawn from the resources of the Pnrr.

Representatives of Anci Sicily have announced their intention to organize a thematic assembly with the Sicilian mayors and with the involvement of the region and the ministry of the environment in order to encourage better coordination between the actions that the different institutional levels intend to carry out.

Published on

May 16, 2024, 2.58pm

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