European elections, the points of the Fratelli d’Italia electoral program

European elections, the points of the Fratelli d’Italia electoral program
European elections, the points of the Fratelli d’Italia electoral program

The party led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has published the electoral program in view of the European elections on 8 and 9 June. Fratelli d’Italia proposes a series of themes which, united under the slogan “With Giorgia, Italy changes Europe”, range from employment to the agricultural sector, up to the radical modification of the “green houses” directive, defined as a “eco-madness”. The main objective of Meloni’s party is to “defend the identity of European peoples and nations”, to ensure that “Europe is a political giant with a leading role on the international scene, capable of facing the great challenges to which it is called to respond” and to give life to a Europe “capable of returning to the center of the international geopolitical chessboard”, we read in the document. Here are all the main points.

Work and farmers

The first point of the program concerns work. FdI aims to “encourage employment and competitiveness in the European Union through active labor policies and the creation of an environment favorable to the growth of productive entities” and also to “foster the creation of new jobs”. On the issue of farmers, Meloni’s party is in contrast with the Green Deal, believing that it has “targeted the agricultural sector, denying its fundamental role in the conservation and protection of the territory, in guaranteeing quality products and in the valorisation of areas rural”. For this reason, FdI aims to “review the Common Agricultural Policy”, “continue the battle against the production and marketing of meat and synthetic foods”, “counteract the adoption of labeling systems (such as Nutriscore, ed.) which panelize excellence Italian”.

No to the “Green Homes” directive

Among the themes we also find ecology. “Achieving climate objectives must be economically and socially sustainable, without ideological approaches, unattainable objectives and disproportionate burdens on citizens and businesses,” we read in the program. The Prime Minister’s party aims to “radically modify the directive on green homes”, “cancel the block on the production of internal combustion engine cars from 2035” and “support the decarbonisation of the different modes of transport”.

Health and birth target

One of the fundamental points is that of healthcare, on which Giorgia Meloni intends to focus by increasing “investments”. To overcome the fact that “the European population is growing less and less while the average age is rising”, the party proposes a “birth rate objective” through “financing for family and birth rate support policies” and “specific funds and programs to support women in fragile conditions who want to become mothers”.

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Overcome austerity and stop unfair competition

To overcome the austerity policy, FdI proposes to “improve the Stability and Growth Pact with a view to greater flexibility”, “provide a strategy for EU investments, in order to achieve the objectives of growth and industrial independence and energy” and “foster investment spending that produces economic growth, helps create wealth and reduces public debt”. Among the objectives there is also the protection of the single market, the European productive fabric and the stop to unfair competition. “We must combat evasive practices and the migration of company headquarters towards ‘European tax havens’”, we read in the programme.

Protect Europe’s borders

On the issue of immigration, Fratelli d’Italia contests “the model wanted by the left, made up of indiscriminate reception and redistributions which is never current”, defining it as “failure”. Meloni’s party suggests “promoting cooperation agreements with third states to combat illegal immigration”, “strengthening EU border control”, “countering criminal organizations that manage human trafficking”, and “strengthen the European repatriation system”.

Women’s rights

On the topic of women’s rights, the Fdi program proposes, among other points, to “further improve European legislation on violence against women, inserting an explicit passage that recognizes rape as a crime resulting from the absence of consent”, ” further promote female employment and entrepreneurship through European measures for SMEs” and “address the underlying causes of the pay gap between men and women and promote STEM disciplines among girls”. The objective is to “put women in the position of being free and autonomous in their choices is not only a duty, but also one of the weapons we have available to fight gender violence”.

Artificial intelligence

On the AI ​​front, FdI aims to “create a European control room to govern the political and social changes brought about by the advent of AI”, “allocate European funds for the creation of a common research and development of AI technologies”, “implement digital literacy campaigns to train citizens in the prudent and conscientious use of AI from the earliest levels of education” and “support companies that invest in research, development and implementation of AI”.

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