Library in the waiting room, inauguration in the Caserta hospital – News

Library in the waiting room, inauguration in the Caserta hospital – News
Library in the waiting room, inauguration in the Caserta hospital – News

A solidarity library was inaugurated at the “Sant’Anna e San Sebastiano” hospital in Caserta, set up in the waiting room of the complex medical oncology operational unit; an initiative born in collaboration with the Italian Red Cross – Caserta Committee – and is the result of an agreement signed by the hospital and the Red Cross to offer voluntary psycho-social support activities to Oncology and Emergency Room patients. The Association, which provided both the furnishings and the books, will manage the service on odd days.

“Continuous collaboration with third sector associations is fundamental because it allows us to more adequately address the requests of patients and their families” underlined the medical director of the Caserta Hospital Angela Annecchiarico and Professor Michele Orditura, Director of the Unit complex operation of Medical Oncology. The mayor of Caserta, Carlo Marino, and the councilor Vincenzo Claudio Battarra attended the inauguration of the library. “Culture, of which a library is a vehicle – said Marino – is an aggregating element of a community that identifies itself as such when there is brotherhood and humanity”. In the presence of the medical and nursing team of the Oncology department and a significant representation of operators from the Italian Red Cross, the library was blessed by the director of the Diocesan Pastoral of Caserta, Don Antonello Giannotti.

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