A2A – The largest rooftop photovoltaic system in Italy on the pavilions of Fiera Milano Rho – PHOTO

(mi-lorenteggio.com) Milan, 16 May 2024 – From today, the largest and most powerful photovoltaic system in Italy built on the roofs and among the top 10 in the world is in operation in the pavilions of the Fiera Milano exhibition district in Rho. .
The infrastructure created by A2A together with Fondazione Fiera – through the Fair Renew joint venture – consists of approximately 50,000 photovoltaic panels, distributed over 330,000 square meters of pavilion coverage, equal to the surface area of ​​45 football fields.
The structure, which represents an example of national excellence in the field of renewable energy, will have an expected annual production of 21.6 GWh – equal to the consumption of approximately 7,800 families – which will allow the emission of over 9,800 thousand tonnes of CO2 to be avoided per year and a total installed power of 18 MWp. The photovoltaic system will make it possible to cover part of Fiera Milano’s needs for the exhibition center in Rho, while the residual portion of the green energy generated will be fed into the grid.

“This project is an important technological milestone for the development of renewables and a confirmation of A2A’s key role in favor of the country’s energy transition. An infrastructure in line with the strategy of our Industrial Plan to 2035, which includes investments of 22 billion euros also intended for the development and strengthening of networks, essential to accompany our cities on the path towards decarbonisation – declares Renato Mazzoncini, Administrator Delegate of A2A – The Fiera Milano facility, currently unique in Italy, constitutes a replicable model for urban transformation. We will continue to work to face the challenges of the future, consolidating our commitment to the renewable energy sector.”

“The construction of this plant is part of the investments of the industrial plan which includes, among its strategic routes, initiatives and projects aimed at supporting the ecological transition of the exhibition and conference districts, investing in highly sustainable and innovative infrastructures and solutions – explains Enrico Pazzali , President of the Fiera Milano Foundation. – “The system we are presenting today confirms the Foundation’s role as a proactive shareholder in making Fiera Milano increasingly competitive and sustainable with the modernization of its structures also through new business opportunities, as in the case of the adaptation of the pavilions in view of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games 2026”.
“This photovoltaic system represents one of the most important points of the new integrated sustainability plan 2024-2027”, comments Francesco Conci, CEO and general manager of Fiera Milano.
“Fiera Milano considers sustainability as a fundamental element of its development strategy. Sustainability today becomes a qualifying criterion for attracting and hosting large traveling events and we strongly believe that it can be a competitive advantage and a key factor in driving business growth. The integrated sustainability plan presented last month incorporates 30 quantitative objectives. Among these, we have set ourselves the objective of increasing the percentage of electricity from renewable sources from 38% to 70%. Furthermore, as already anticipated by the 2024-2027 strategic plan, we are working on
a new event dedicated to technologies for the decarbonisation of industrial processes”.

The plant, whose construction work started in 2020, was completed in three phases: in April 2022 the first part was delivered, 12 sections for an area of ​​200 thousand m2, with a power of 8.2 MWp and an annual energy production of approximately 10 GWh; the second phase, concluded in February this year, saw the construction of a further 5 sections over 60 thousand m2, with 4 MWp of power and a production of approximately 5 GWh; with the last phase, which marks the completion of the work, 4 sections were added, with 5.8 MWp of
power and a production of 7 GWh.

Furthermore, since 2020, 100% of the electricity used by Fiera Milano Congressi for the Allianz MiCo Congress Center in Milan comes from renewable sources covered by the relevant guarantee of origin certificates.

Furthermore, with its approximately 22 GWh, the system installed in Fiera Milano is the first in terms of efficiency among those of the European exhibition centers and is positioned ahead of Barcelona (5.9 GWh), Stuttgart (4.3) and Munich (2 ,7): a record that confirms the Fiera Milano Group’s attention towards sustainability and the energy transition.

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