215 thousand euros from the government for the infrastructure of Lunigiana

“There are 215 thousand euros of funding allocated for Lunigiana, following the approval of the ranking of interventions for the safety and maintenance of municipal roads, admitted into the ‘Road interventions fund in small municipalities’”, he wrote in a note, The Apuan deputy of the Brothers of Italy Alessandro Amorese.

The resources provided for in the decree of the Head of the Department for Public Works and Housing Policies of the Ministry of Transport are also important. “It’s about – specifies Amorese – 150 thousand euros per Cottage in Lunigiana, for the safety of the bridge over the Tassonaro torrent and for consolidation interventions and adaptation to traffic regulations in the hamlet of Argigliano; more than 60 thousand euros (65,340,000 euros) are also foreseen for Villafranca in Lunigianaspecifically for the extraordinary maintenance of the paving of various municipal roads”.

“The Meloni government continues to show attention to all the territories – claims the deputy of Fratelli d’Italia -, not failing to guarantee, in a concrete way, also to the internal areas, tools and means for infrastructural interventions of significant importance for the communities living in those municipalities. In particular, the executive recently assured Lunigiana of fundamental resources not only for infrastructure, but also for nursery schools in four municipalities, with funding of more than 2 million euros”.

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