The Queeresima gets underway in Cagliari and Quartu | Cagliari

The Queeresima gets underway in Cagliari and Quartu | Cagliari
The Queeresima gets underway in Cagliari and Quartu | Cagliari

First online appointment on Friday 17 May, at 4pm, entitled “What’s language’s got to do with it”. An information/training seminar on gender and inclusive language organized by FP CGIL Comparto Regione Sardegna, the last one, before Pride, on Tuesday 25 June at 6pm, at Rainbow City in Cagliari (via Torino 13) entitled “Bambinә, liberә, humanә. What if school really was for everyone?” and was organized by UAAR – Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics.

Coordinated by the Cagliari-based association Arc Onlus, Queeresima 2024 – with the patronage of the Municipality of Elmas and the support of those of Assemini, Burcei, Quartu Sant’Elena and Vallermosa – sees the participation of dozens of associations, clubs, bodies and cultural realities and individuals, who organize more than 30 events around the theme “Humanə. Practices against dehumanization”. “Throughout history, the exclusion of individual people or entire groups from a society, and even from the rest of humanity, occurs both through the establishment of physical barriers and – and perhaps even more effectively – through psychological and social strategies of delegitimization of everything that is other than itself. One of the most powerful forms of depreciation and ostracism is the so-called dehumanization, which has been implemented many times and has been the basis for processes of marginalization, stigmatization, confinement, armed conflicts, ethnic cleansing, up to actual exterminations and genocides.” , explains Carlo Cotza, spokesperson for Arc, “This year Queeresima proposes to reflect on this very current theme and on the practices that every person, every association, body and cultural and political reality can implement, calling civil society to action, to limit the effects of dehumanization processes.

Queeresima was born in 2012 from the experience of the demonstrations against homophobia which were held in Cagliari between 2009 and 2011, and creates a 40-day bridge between the World Day Against Homo-Lesbian-Bi-Trans- intersex-aphobia, May 17, and the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, June 28, which started the Pride parades all over the world.

It is a political and cultural project conceived and managed by the cultural and voluntary association ARC ODV of Cagliari (non-partisan, self-financed, politically autonomous) which deals with the general coordination of the project, as well as carrying out some of its own initiatives in the calendar. The objective is the promotion of culture and the defense of the rights and freedoms of LGBTQIA+ people and all other minorities discriminated against due to sexual and/or romantic orientation, or gender identity. But also an inclusive platform, which values ​​participation, believes in the plurality of points of view of those who are reflected in our manifesto, and takes the form of a calendar of initiatives, regional and beyond, free and open to anyone: seminars and studies, cinema and theatre, books and exhibitions, processions and parties. Events created by those who accept the invitation to participate (associations, bodies or individuals) with their own contents, spaces, human, material and financial resources. Queeresima is therefore a multifaceted political experience, inspired every year by a different theme, to be lived and shared.


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