University of Turin, pro-Palestinian student blitz at the rectorate – Turin News

University of Turin, pro-Palestinian student blitz at the rectorate – Turin News
University of Turin, pro-Palestinian student blitz at the rectorate – Turin News

A few dozen students of the Pro Palestina university collectives, who are occupying the departments in recent days, broke into the headquarters of the Rectorate of the University of Turin in via Verdi, where a technical meeting of the personnel investigation commission was underway.

“We are here to ask for a confrontation and the termination of all agreements with the State of Israel”, explained the boys. «Israel it must immediately lose legitimacy – they added – Supporting the Zionist army from a military point of view also means conducting research together with them, because the drones through which Israel kills people use artificial intelligence which is produced and innovated in our universities” .

Inside the premises, posters with the rector’s face and the words “Wanted Geuna Where are you? Take a stand” The students arrived at the Rectorate in procession from Palazzo Nuovo, which is a few blocks away. They are part of the collectives “Cambiare Rotta” and “Collettivo Universitario Autonomo”. In recent days they had asked for a discussion with the rector of UniTo Stefano Geuna, who had mediated the holding of lessons during the occupation, which are now taking place online.

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