The Civic Tower lit up in blue to raise awareness of neurofibromatosis – Municipality of Cuneo

The Civic Tower lit up in blue to raise awareness of neurofibromatosis – Municipality of Cuneo
The Civic Tower lit up in blue to raise awareness of neurofibromatosis – Municipality of Cuneo

The Municipality of Cuneo will join the International Day on Neurofibromatosis, an event to raise awareness and knowledge of this rare and incurable disease, scheduled for Friday 17 May. The patient association “Linfa Odv – Let’s fight together against neurofibromatosis” organizes a series of initiatives aimed at raising public awareness of this genetic syndrome, including the campaign called “Shine a Light on NF ”, scheduled from 17 to 22 May; during the initiative, the participating cities symbolically light up a monument in blue or blue/green (the “official” colors of neurofibromatosis). Cuneo will light up its Civic Tower with the colors indicated on May 20th to 22nd, as a tangible sign of participation in the awareness day.

What is neurofibromatosis

Neurofibromatosis is a rare disease that occurs in different forms: neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatosis type 2 and schwannomatosis, for which there is currently no cure. Sometimes NF is visible: patients are covered in skin spots (coffee, milk…), others have tumors (neurofibromas) often disfiguring along the nerves of the body. Other times, NF is invisible, but seemingly healthy-looking patients live with excruciating pain. Many have severe learning difficulties, others lose their hearing or sight, some develop tumors and are forced to undergo numerous surgeries and chemotherapy throughout their lives.

From the 17th to the 19th the Tower lights up in magenta

Cuneo will turn on the blue light from the 20th, as other lighting had already been granted in the previous days. In particular, in the evenings from 17 to 19 May, magenta lighting will be provided in support of the ESEO association, to raise awareness of eosinophilic esophagitis and eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases.

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