The crime writer Antonio Fusco in Grosseto

Grosseto: Next Saturday, May 18th, at 6.00 pm in Grosseto, Palomar bookshop in Piazza Dante, the well-known crime writer Antonio Fusco will present his brand new novelreleased in bookstores just a few days ago, entitled ‘The disappearance of Elisa Ohlsen’ published by Rizzoli, starring Commissioner Massimo Valeri.

Antonio Fusco, born in 1964, is an official in the State Police and a forensic criminologist. Neapolitan, he has lived and worked in Tuscany since 2000. For Giunti Editore he has already published the novels of the Inspector Casabona series with great success.

In this mystery, between ordinary lives that are turned upside down and ancient esoteric orders, Antonio Fusco outlines a disturbing investigation steeped in the torments of a past that continues to cast shadows in the present of his characters.

Elisa Ohlsen has been missing for seven years when the mummified corpse of a young woman is found at the Idroscalo in Ostia. She wears a ring on her finger similar to the one Elisa wore when, at the age of seventeen, she vanished into thin air on a September afternoon while walking in the woods bordering Lake Albano. The thoughts of reporters and investigators immediately turn to her. The media attention on the reopening of the Ohlsen file is maximum and everyone in the 17th police district is committed to seeing clearly: everyone except inspector Massimo Valeri, known as the Indian, who after yet another quarrel with his superior it was intended for the case of an elderly professor, who probably committed suicide in his home. A simple investigation, to be archived quickly, at least that’s how it seems. But the Indian has never put much trust in appearances and he soon understands that this is one of those situations in which no lead can be ignored, in which coincidences do not exist: to get to the bottom of the story he will have to use all his unscrupulousness and delve into an undergrowth of secrets and unthinkable bonds, of ruthless blackmail and disturbing perversions.

The event, organized by the cultural association ‘Letteratura e Dintorni’ with the collaboration of the Palomar Bookshop, will be moderated by the journalist Francesca Ciardiello while Fulvia Perillo will dialogue with the author. Entrance is free.

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