GOODBYE/ Gigi De Luca, beloved actor of Torre del Greco, has died

GOODBYE/ Gigi De Luca, beloved actor of Torre del Greco, has died
GOODBYE/ Gigi De Luca, beloved actor of Torre del Greco, has died

Is dead Gigi De Lucabeloved actor of Greek’s tower: a heart attack struck him during the night of today, May 16th.

Goodbye to Gigi De Luca, the beloved face from Torre died

He passed away in the night, struck down by a heart attack: he was 84 years old Gigi De Luca, Torrese pride of cinema and national theatre. From Torre del Greco to Italy and beyond, a very long career that has made him a symbolic face of his city.

He loved his city, Torre del Greco, madly, and his city reciprocated. The last apparition it happened right in the video of tourist promotion of the coral city for participation in the Mediterranean Tourism Exchange. It was March 6th when the trailer of the film at Palazzo Baronial. Gigi De Luca, face and narrator of breathtaking images, is honored with long applause from the entire room.

De Luca: “Torre del Greco is beautiful, enjoy it”

It was on that occasion that he spoke these words to the microphones of “Torre del Greco is a beautiful city. I’ve traveled around Italy, Europe: sure, there are beautiful cities, but Torre is beautiful. You have to enjoy it. But raise your head, look at the buildings, how beautiful they are, the structures, the architecture! Look at this beautyespecially in the evening, at night, especially young people instead of drinking beers… (he is joking, ed.)”.

“Young people? They leave because they are critical, but they love their roots”

But right on young, the well-known actor had had the opportunity to express his optimistic thoughts a few minutes earlier. In fact, returning to a more serious expression he reiterates: “Young people are a bit critical of their city, a bit for the institutions, the work. It’s right, also because hyear the blood ‘hot’they want to escape, they need to see, and that’s right. But a little? They always come back! They love their roots because they love their city as if they were mum and dad”.

De Luca’s is a sort of “civic testament”, an act of love engraved in frames forever, which links the actor’s long career to his ineradicable roots from Torre. A moral legacy of optimism and resilience that the coral city will not easily forget.

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