Reggio trembles, new bomb attack in the city

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The fact

A sandwich shop in via Nazionale is in the sights. The episode last night. Investigations started by the police

Published on: 05/16/2024 – 9:24 am

REGGIO CALABRIA Bomb attack in Reggio Calabria. In the sights is a sandwich shop overlooking Via Nazionale. The episode which is causing so much concern in the city, occurred last night when around 3.45am a roar shook the neighbourhood. A team of firefighters from the provincial command promptly intervened on site and made the entire area safe. State police cars are also in action and have started investigations to reconstruct the exact dynamics of what undoubtedly seems linked to organized crime operating in the city. The extortion racket is the one being investigated by the investigators, but other hypotheses cannot be ruled out.
For this reason, investigators are acquiring images of the surveillance systems of the many commercial establishments in the area.


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