European, that tight thread between Sicily and the Union that will mark the future of the Island

A few weeks at European elections which will take place on 8 and 9 June, Sicilian citizens find themselves facing a crucial moment to evaluate the role of the European Union in their daily lives. European policies, in fact, have a significant impact on the lives of Sicilians, influencing key sectors such as agriculture, fishing, tourism and economic development.

European agricultural policies and the challenges for Sicilian agriculture

In particular, agriculture represents a fundamental pillar of the Sicilian economy, and European agricultural policies have always had a direct impact on the island’s agricultural sector. Aid schemes and regulations on food quality influence the competitiveness and sustainability of Sicilian agriculture, also determining the fate of typical products with a quality recognized at European level. In fact, we recently left the tractor protest behind us (READ HERE) which also involved Sicilian farmers who complained about prices that were too low, the rising costs of agricultural products and the high complexity of the European legislation, the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy), which was far too neutering for the needs of the farmers themselves. Between insect flour and synthetic meat, there are many targets in the sights of a protest that has not entirely ceased. The advance of Lollobrigida bill for exampleaimed at ban the production and sale of lab-grown meat (CLICK HERE), was blocked by the European Commission. The rule, promoted by the Minister of Agriculture, was slowed down by Brussels, as it was considered not suitable for approval under European laws.

The comparison-clash on fishing

Even the fishing sector (CLICK HERE) is closely linked to European policies, especially regarding quotas fishing, conservation measures and protection of marine resources. Decisions taken at European level have a direct impact on the activities of Sicilian fishermen and on the sustainable management of fish resources in the Mediterranean. It is no coincidence that last May the national Italian fishing organizations (Alleanza Cooperative Italiane Pesca, Federpesca, Coldiretti Impresa Pesca, Unci Agroalimentare) responded to the appeal of the European Bottom Fishing Alliance to give rise to a large protest against the policies European governments which, according to the associations, are putting the future of the sector at risk. “The European Commission with its action plan and its proposal to ban bottom fishing in 30% of our seas comes as another nail in the coffin.” These are the words of the organizers of the strike last May after the fishing restrictions a I dragdestined to disappear by 2030.

Tourism and European regulations


The tourismFurthermore, it represents another important driver of the Sicilian economy, and European policies can influence tourism promotion, the protection of cultural and natural sites, as well as the mobility and safety of travelers in the European area. The phenomenon ofovertourism (CLICK HERE) has already been addressed in a previous article, highlighting the need for careful management of the tourist flow to preserve the island’s heritage. Recently, the topic of beach concessions (CLICK HERE) came back to attention with the ruling of the Council of State, which confirmed the expiration of state concessions for beaches on 31 December 2023. This raised questions about the future of Sicilian beaches and the implementation of European regulations regarding concessions seaside. The report “Beaches 2023″ of Legambiente highlighted the challenges linked to coastal erosion, land consumption and the growing number of beach concessions, highlighting the need for concrete actions to preserve the natural heritage of the island by challenging the regional decree, arguing that the extension of beach concessions is illegitimate and violates European regulations. A “casus belli” which will most likely influence policies this summer

European funds not to be missed

It is then impossible not to say a few words on the topic of European funds, a complex and often too opaque reality. Despite the funds available for Sicily are substantial, with an overall financial endowment of 14.8 billion in the seven-year period 2014-2020, the use of these resources was often inefficient and not very transparent. Analyzing the data of Cgia Mestreit emerges that the Sicilia only partially accounted for the funds received: out of a total of 6.5 billion in reported expenditure, there are still numerous loans that are not used or spent in a sub-optimal manner. This highlights the need for greater transparency and governance in the use of European funds, in order to maximize their impact on regional development.

The future of Sicily

It is now clear how European policies continue to shape Sicily’s future in many crucial sectors: Active participation in the European elections is essential to influence decisions that will have a direct impact on the lives of the island’s inhabitants, now almost inextricably linked by economic and political ties with the Union. L’abstentionism of the last years (CLICK HERE) is worrying, and should make us reflect on the consequences of failure to participate in the decision-making process that will determine the fate of Sicily in the European context.

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