311 reported, one billion in tax credits seized

85 searches carried out throughout Italy

Savona building bonuses

Savona building bonuses – The Fiamme Gialle of Savona have conducted a complex investigation in the sector of tax credits, attributable to bonuses in construction and energy matters, with particular reference to Ecobonuses and facade bonuses.

The investigations, developed in synergy with the officials of the Revenue Agency, highlighted how the tax credits were completely non-existent, as they were obtained through the use of false invoices for works to be carried out or in progress on properties of property of subjects resident in the Savona area.

The scam of the companies operating in the province was replicated on a national scale by other companies in the sector, in many cases found to be real “ghost” companies as well as total tax evaders or with inconsistent turnover, without properties to which they could associate construction work aimed at obtaining the benefit in question as well as active/passive invoices aimed at proving the actual execution of the works.

Some of the people involved in the criminal plan were found to be recipients of citizen’s income, others burdened by specific criminal records, which also included crimes in the public spending sector, still others had generated and/or accepted credits with subjects with whom they had a family ties (husband/wife, mother/child).

Finally, some companies generating fictitious credits had in turn purchased further credits of the type, as in the case of a person who had purchased credits as a natural person from a company he himself represented.

Some of the subjects involved had already carried out the undue compensation, obtaining illicit and appreciable tax advantages, while another had purchased blocks of fictitious credits with a nominal value of hundreds of millions of euros for a negligible amount actually paid.

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Under the aegis of the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, 85 searches were initiated against both all the companies generating the fictitious credits and their legal representatives, with the deployment of over 250 soldiers in the following Regions: Liguria, Piedmont, Veneto, Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Campania and Puglia – explained by Command Savonese -.

The intervention of the Fiamme Gialle of Savona confirms once again the absolute relevance of the Corps’ action to protect the economic-financial legality of the country aimed, among other things, at countering any type of fraud regarding tax breaks in order to protect the country’s healthy economy as well as safeguard the legitimate expectations of families and businesses operating legally.

The provision of the investigating judge, which was implemented, was adopted in the preliminary investigation phase due to precautionary needs and is of a non-definitive nature, with the presumption of innocence applying until the final sentence>>.


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