In Calabria, cystic fibrosis patients are still waiting for an answer

In Calabria, cystic fibrosis patients are still waiting for an answer
In Calabria, cystic fibrosis patients are still waiting for an answer

by Fiore Isabella

While, due to certain politics, it becomes almost a habit to smell the scent of prebends while crossing the ladder of the rich entrepreneur’s yacht, for a poor Christ who lives in Calabria and who needs to book a specialist visit there are no ladders where his rights are docked. There is a voice, in Calabria and beyond, which delivers appointments for a specialist visit or for an instrumental assessment to the Greek calendars. And then, having put down the telephone, the return, for those who do not have the money to go to the private sector, to the enclosure of the resignation.

But it is not just the waiting lists that characterize the plodding public health system, particularly in places where Christ has not yet managed to arrive. There is more! A request for formal access to administrative documents (articles 2,24,25 of law 241/90), produced on 3 June 2023 by the President and legal representative of Italian Cystic Fibrosis League Calabria OdV, 11 months later, he still has not received a response, even a denial, from a couple of general directors of the Calabrian ASPs, the regional one and the provincial one of Catanzaro. An application aimed at obtaining detailed news and copy of the documentation of the expenditure chapters of the restricted sums, received from 2002 to 2016 with resolutions of the CIPE, concerning “the assignment to the Region of restricted quotas for the purpose of prevention and treatment of cystic fibrosis (Law 548/93)”.

The Court for Patient Rights of the Cittadinanzattiva Network of Lamezia Terme, on 10 April 2024, deemed it appropriate refresh the memory of the recipients of the request without, at the moment, any outcome. In this regard, the art. 2 of Law 241 obliges the administrations to conclude the procedure by adopting a provision, even when it is recognized that the application is manifestly inadmissible, inadmissible, inadmissible or unfounded.

What appears serious is the silence of the recipients institutional bodies of the instance with respect to a right contemplated by Law 241/90, which qualifies the relationship of transparency between citizens and institutions. It is surprising how a request for access to public administrative documents, not to classified information, does not find satisfaction even after approximately 300 days despite the 30 days established by law.

If it still takes time to track down the financial resources (restricted quotas) assigned by CIPE resolutions to the Calabria Region, it is good that we do not waste any more time and give an account, and also quickly, to those who have been waiting for those resources for years. Cystic fibrosis patients in Calabria want to know the fate of the resources assigned to them to continue to hope, through prevention, assistance and research projects, in a better future.

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