Umbria shines at the BNI Italia 2024 Conference | Awards and stories that moved

Umbria shines at the BNI Italia 2024 Conference | Awards and stories that moved
Umbria shines at the BNI Italia 2024 Conference | Awards and stories that moved

The heart of Italian networking beat in Padua last weekend, when the Congress Center transformed into a hub of relationships and professional exchanges for the BNI Italia 2024 National Conference. An event which saw the record participation of 1200 people, becoming the largest edition ever to take place in Europe. And in that context, Umbria made the hearts of Padua and all of Italy beatwith a massive and active presence of delegates from the BNI Perugia-Rieti-Terni Region.

The central day, open to all members, demonstrated the energy and enthusiasm that only “networking” can generate, transforming every conversation into a potential collaboration. In the preceding and following days, the focus was instead on the Executive, Area and Assistant Directors, as well as on the Ambassadors of BNI Italia. These moments of discussion and training offered advanced tools and valuable insights to further raise the professional level of the participants.

But let’s see step by step what were the key moments of this weekend of work, values ​​and fun!

Connections and working tables

May 10, the second day of the BNI Italia 2024 National Conference, was a hub of intense and productive activity. At the center of the agenda were the working tables and the “121” meetings, moments designed to maximize networking opportunities among BNI members. Meetings planned carefully and in advance to renew existing ties and forge new collaborations, reflecting the essence of networking based on trust and reciprocity.

An opportunity to exchange business cards, but real laboratories of ideas, where members shared objectives, challenges and strategies within an environment that rewards sharing and collective growth. The intent was clear: to create fertile ground for new opportunities and working synergies based on the common values ​​of integrity, professionalism and mutual progress.

The story of a year and what is to come

The afternoon of the same day was a true show of ideas and visions for the future. Federica Mariola, National Director of BNI Italiaopened the dance with a charge of energy, celebrating a year of surprising achievements. “This year we exceeded all expectations, growing in numbers, quality and impact” he declared on the sidelines of the Conference, underlining the continuous evolution of the network, which has now been in the field throughout the world for 40 years.

The stage then welcomed stars of international caliber such as Graham Weihmiller, CEO of BNI Globalwho did not miss the opportunity to further inspire the audience. “In a rapidly changing world, our ability to adapt and innovate determines our continued success. BNI is at the forefront of transforming professional networking to meet these needs,” he said, highlighting the importance of staying ahead of the curve in the digital age.

Between technology and stories of growth, he finally took the stage, Paolo Borzacchiello, writer and among the leading experts in linguistic intelligence in Italy. With his unique approach he was able to capture the attention of the 1,200 people present, underlining the importance of asking the right questions. “Asking the right questions is more than just a skill; it is an art form that can completely transform the way we think and interact with others,” he explained, encouraging the audience to reflect on their daily communication and problem-solving practices.

The mix of deep reflections and light moments made the afternoon not only a chapter of budgets and future projects, but also a true hymn to professional fun, leaving the participants full of new ideas and smiles.

The story of the year comes from Umbria

The emotional climax from the Padua stage was undoubtedly that of the “Story of the Year”, a story that won the hearts of all those present. Among the numerous and touching stories from every corner of Italy, the one chosen to be shared was that of Barbara Ciurnelli, member and president of the Vittoria chapter of the Umbria Region.

Barbara, one of the founding partners of Empacter, recounted the personal and professional journey born from a strong decision (instead of firing two colleagues, as she had been asked to do, she resigned and involved them in the creation of a new three-way company in which today they work together with other very valid collaborators), which touched the deepest chords of the auditorium.

Barbara’s story was not just the story of an example of entrepreneurial success; it was an injection of motivation and inspiration, a clear reminder of the power of human relationships in business. The standing ovation that followed her speech reiterated the powerful message of her story: investing in people is the true key to a prosperous and meaningful future.

The awards to Umbria

And Umbria continued to shine even during the Gala Dinner, held in the prestigious “Caffé Pedrocchi” in the heart of Padua. An evening created to celebrate those who have left a significant mark through their work and attitude during the year, which awarded the Perugia-Rieti-Terni Region two of the most coveted awards at national level.

The first, the “Givers Gain” award, was awarded to Marcello Mariani Saraca, Assistant Director and guest manager of the Chapter Two Worlds of Spoleto. This award embodies the fundamental principle of BNI, Givers Gain®, that is, giving to others before expecting to receive. Marcello, in the years that he has participated in this network, has always demonstrated with his work how generosity and altruism in networking can effectively transform into shared success, highlighting the importance of building authentic relationships.

The second recognition, the prestigious Founder Award was awarded to Davide Venturi, who together with Federico Falini holds the role of Executive Director of the Region. This award is a testimony to his extraordinary commitment to the development of the territory and the expansion of the BNI network, for the merit of exceptional performances, for his tireless enthusiasm and, above all, for his always proactive and solution-oriented attitude. community growth.

“Sì Chef”: Davide Venturi’s recipe for success

The last day of the BNI Italia 2024 National Conference opened with the breakout training sessions, among which, in one of the most anticipated, Davide Venturi was once again the protagonist. This in-depth session, dedicated to CEOs and Ambassadors, explored “The 26 elements of BNI”with an original and engaging twist: a culinary metaphor that captured the attention and imagination of the participants.

The theme of the session, which “if cooked well, they can give a winning and successful recipe”, transformed the principles of networking into ingredients of a gourmet dish. Davide, in the role of star chef, illustrated how to expertly mix these elements to maximize personal, professional and collective success. The playful yet educational approach made the subject vivid and accessible, pushing participants to consider their networking strategies as a culinary art.

The Umbrian “brigade”, always present and active, demonstrated great pride and a sense of belonging, wearing at the end of the session, the typical white touch with the name of the “cuisine” BNI Perugia-Rieti-Terni.

See you next year

The BNI Italia 2024 National Conference ended on a wave of great energy, with a wealth of innovative ideas and renewed values. Participants left with new tools and inspiration, ready to positively impact their work environment in the months ahead.

Similarly, the Umbrian delegation also expressed enthusiasm and satisfaction for the experience. “Every moment of this conference was an added piece to the mosaic of our professional development. We learned, shared and inspired each other, bringing home more than we hoped for.” commented Venturi.

And as the curtain falls on a record edition, our gaze is already turning towards the future. The appointment is for next year in Sardinia, on May 30th everyone will be in Cagliari, where the experience and magic of connections and networking will be renewed. And who knows if it isn’t already time to imagine organizing an international conference right here in Italy?

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