Jealous, he insults and threatens his partner with death: arrested

PADUA – As part of the prevention and control services of the territory conducted by the patrols of the Padua State Police, a squad car from the General Prevention and Public Rescue Office arrested, on 12 May, a Bangladeshi citizen aged 26 for mistreatment in the family and sexual violence against his partner.

The quarrel

Around 3pm on Sunday 12 May, following a report from the Police Headquarters Operations Centre, a patrol went to the Guizza area where a girl, visibly agitated, reported that she feared for her safety after yet another argument with her boyfriend, who had been threatened with death.

The woman, a 22-year-old Italian, declared to the officers that she had been in a relationship for about three years with a 26-year-old Bangladeshi citizen, who had subjected her to psychological and verbal violence, which then culminated in physical violence.

In particular, the young woman said that, on one occasion, following a greeting from her addressed to another manmisinterpreted by her partner, the latter, once they returned home, began to insult and verbally attack her, to the point of forcing her to have sexual intercourse.

After these episodes, the relationship worsened further due to continuous acts of violence. The girl reported having been punched in the face by her partner a few months earlier.

Insults and threats

The 22-year-old told the officers that she had been continuously insulted and threatened with death by the 26-year-old, situations for which she had to resort not only to medical treatment, but also to psychological therapy. On Sunday 12 May, already in the morning, the 26-year-old had gone into a jealous rage after accompanying the girl to work and seeing a man leaving the offices where she was going. A heated argument arose, which continued with messages on her cell phone in which he threatened to ruin her life, wishing her to be burned and to die, and threatening to publish photos of her naked.

The officers tracked the man down under the girl’s house as he was about to ring the intercom and took him to the police station. At the end of the investigations, he was arrested in flagrante delicto for mistreatment and sexual violence. At the order of the Public Prosecutor, he was subjected to house arrest.

Following the validation of the arrest, the Judicial Authority ordered the ban on approaching the offended person with the application of the bracelet for the 26-year-old Bangladeshi, legal in the territory of the State and with only one criminal record for a crime against property. electronic.


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