Greco wants to appoint a new director at Ghelas and Iaglietti threatens to sue – il Gazzettino di Gela

City councilor Diego Iaglietti learned that this morning the now almost ex-Mayor of Gela sent a note to the general protocol of Ghelas Multiservizi SpA in which he asks the Sole Administrator, Eng. Pietro Inferrera, to convene a meeting with on the agenda the revocation of Engineer Inferrera as Director, the appointment of a new Sole Director (appointment for 3 years) and the appointment of two members of the board of auditors and the determination of the remuneration.

“It is necessary to state that Ghelas Multiservizi SpA is a public company and therefore the rules of transparency and publicity must be strictly respected for the appointment of its members. To date, the Municipality of Gela has not published any public notice for the selection of a new Administrator and not even a public notice for the selection of the members of the board of auditors, a role currently held by the two alternates already appointed by the Mayor. The revocation, if deliberate, considering that it is a revocation without justified reason, would entail considerable damage to the treasury, given that the current Director’s role will expire in one year. Perhaps the Mayor is not informed that Ghelas Multiservizi SpA will, in any case, have to recognize the expected compensation until the natural end of the Administrator’s mandate. But all this would not only be illegitimate and harmful, but above all it would be inappropriate given that we are without one month from the certain end of his electoral mandate. It will be the new Mayor who will have to administer this city who will rightly choose the possible new leadership of the subsidiary, in the ways and within the times established by law” – says Iaglietti.
“I invite the now almost former Mayor of Gela to revoke the request sent – he says – otherwise in my legitimate role as City Councilor and citizen, together with other Councilors with whom I have discussed, I will be forced to turn to the competent offices for the protection and protection of the Municipality of Gela, the employees of Ghelas Multiservizi and all the citizens of Gela. I hope that everything that has happened has nothing to do with the current electoral campaign, but a famous political figure often said: ” It’s a sin to think badly, but you often get it right.”

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