«Objective to ensure the protection of rights»

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The inspection

The Calabrian guarantor in the national delegation to evaluate the story of the two women imprisoned in Castrovillari and Reggio

Published on: 05/16/2024 – 8:05 am

REGGIO CALABRIA The National Guarantor for Persons Deprived of Personal Liberty sent a delegation to Calabria in recent days. The lawyer Irma Conti, member of the College of the National Guarantor, met the Iranian prisoners Maysoon Majidi and Marian Jamali, on a precautionary measure because they were accused of being “smugglers”, confined in the penitentiary institutions of Castrovillari and Reggio Calabria. The head of the delegation Irma Conti was joined by the lawyer Luca Muglia, Regional Guarantor of the rights of detained persons, who will monitor the evolution of the situation in coordination with the National Guarantor.
«The institutional visit – underlined Muglia – has an important significance in terms of the attention and closeness of the National Guarantor to the story of the young Iranian women and the problems that afflict people detained in Calabria. I particularly thank the member of the College of the National Guarantor Irma Conti, who during the visit listened to the young Iranians and the other prisoners who asked to explain their needs, interacting actively with the prison administration on issues of extreme importance”. «As for Maysoon Majidi and Marian Jamali – said the Regional Guarantor – we are finalizing the necessary investigations regarding their personal biography, conditions of detention, psychological assistance, the status of procedures relating to international protection and the possibilities of family reunification . Any further verification will follow in accordance with the national and international mandates which are specifically the responsibility of the National Guarantor Authority”. «Without prejudice to the autonomy and independence of the judiciary – concluded Muglia – in the face of such delicate crime cases as those of aggravated aiding and abetting illegal immigration, which provide for very high penalties, the identification of criminal responsibility requires an intervention model , investigative and probative, capable of averting or reducing the risk of judicial errors. The primary objective, in fact, is to ensure – always and in any case – the protection of fundamental human rights”.


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