“Stop relations with Israel at the University”

“Stop relations between the Polytechnic University of Marche and the Israeli university of Ariel in the West Bank”: the activists of the Marche coordination for Palestine are loudly calling for this, now more than ever on the occasion of the anniversary of the Nakba, the exodus forced of the Palestinian Arab population during the civil war of 1947-48 after the founding of the State of Israel. During the conflict, more than 700 thousand Palestinian Arabs were forced to abandon cities and villages, unable to return to their lands even after the end of the conflict.

And so also in Ancona the appeal of the Young Palestinians was responded to by supporting the international campaign “No Ariel Ties”.

“The Marche Polytechnic has agreements in place with 4 Israeli universities – explain the activists – among these is the university of Ariel which is located in the illegally occupied territory of the West Bank, not recognized by the international community or even by Italy. Recently the University of Milan has severed its agreements with Ariel University as these are a violation of international law, which recognizes the settlements as illegal and as war crimes, also pursuant to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”.

In recent days, students at the University of Macerata have also taken a position on the war in the Gaza strip.

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