Verona weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 17 May


The weather forecast in Verona for Friday 17 May show generally stable conditions throughout the day, with a mix of scattered clouds and clear skies. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​that will fluctuate between +13.1°C and +20.4°C.

During the Night, scattered clouds are expected with a cloud cover that will vary between 58% and 68%. Temperatures will be around +13°C, with a light breeze coming from the West – South West.

In the morning, scattered clouds will tend to thin out, with a decrease in cloud cover to 16% and temperatures rising up to +19.9°C. The wind will blow from the West – South West with a speed of up to 23.4km/h.

In the afternoon, the sky will be clear with almost no cloud cover (3%) and temperatures reaching +20.4°C. The wind will still come from the West – South West, with gusts that can reach up to 24.7km/h.

In evening, the sky will remain clear with 0% cloud cover, while temperatures will tend to decrease to +13.9°C. The wind will be lighter than in the afternoon, coming from the North West with a speed of around 6km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Friday 17 May in Verona indicates a day of stability and pleasant weather. The weather conditions should remain similar in the coming days too, with pleasant temperatures and generally clear skies.

All the weather data for Friday 17 May in Verona

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