At the Righi high school a research on school well-being / Cesena / Home

At the Righi high school a research on school well-being / Cesena / Home
At the Righi high school a research on school well-being / Cesena / Home

A research on school well-being at Righi high school. Friday May 17th the journey will end “Identities” made by team of research led by professor Elisabetta Crocetti of the Department of Psychology of the University of Bologna, and conducted in various schools in the region.

For three years, 170 students of five classes of the headquarters of Cesena and of two classes of Bagno di Romagna they met, on a periodic basis, with experts from the University of Bologna who carried out research on school well-being. The boys were asked to wear a actigraph that would record theirs quality of sleep and to answer questionnaires on their state of mind, on their school experience, on their approach to the pandemic and its consequences and, above all, on their relationships with themselves and with others. The data collected allowed us to draw up a psychological health profile of the kids that will be presented to them to reflect together, students, teachers and psychologists, on what conditions the relationships, relationships and lives of our kids.

“Already last year – explains in a note the manager Lorenza Prati – the partial outcome of the research surprised us with some data that confirms the importance of the educational institution. An unexpected fact is what tells us that our kids are happier the more busy they are and the more they come invested with responsibility. School commitment, when serious, motivated and shared with adult reference figures, becomes a source of personal satisfaction and well-being, rather than anxiety and discomfort. This must make us reflect on our approach to school, but also to our relationship with children who demonstrate that they are very aware of themselves and the world around them. We are waiting to know the final results of the research because it is a precious opportunity for the entire school community and also for families get involved and improve“.

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