Bologna Estate is back, 362 projects from May to September

BOLOGNA, 15 MAY – “A cultural policy project to support communities and not a simple review of events: this is the idea we have of Bologna Estate”, said the mayor of Bologna, Matteo Lepore, in presenting the event which from 17 May until 29 September it will invade various places in the capital and the metropolitan area with 362 projects in 55 municipalities which will involve, through a program of music, shows, cinema, meetings and much more, thousands of cultural operators and businesses alongside many institutions. “We must reach all places in the city – added Lepore – with urban regeneration projects to give strength to communities, without turning off the spotlight when the exhibitions end. Where Bologna Estate arrives, the city transforms for the better!”. This is the case of the Giardino delle Popolarissime, recently returned to citizens after years of decay, where Bo Estate was presented, which will host free dance workshops. Many confirmations are scheduled: from the crowded screenings in Piazza Maggiore with Cinema Ritrovato and Sotto le stelle del Cinema to the Biografilm Festival, from the Festival dei Portici (which will bring the Conservatory Orchestra to the square with the Bolognese violin star, Laura Marzadori) , at the concerts on 2 August, in memory of the massacre at the station, and on 14 August, with an evening dedicated to Filuzzi. And then, Piazza Lucio Dalla with pop and rock concerts, Piazza San Francesco with a theater festival curated by ERT, without forgetting places inaccessible to most people, such as the Dozza prison (four evenings from 10 to 13 June), or unusual ones, such as the cloister of the Rizzoli Hospital. And, of course, the parks: from the Lennon animated by the Senzaspine Orchestra, to the recently redeveloped Giardino del Guasto, to that of the Pines where Teatri di Vita will dedicate a specific project to Poland. The square of the Fiera District dedicated to the former mayor Renzo Imbeni will also be revived, the 30th anniversary of the Bernstein School of Musical Theater will be celebrated, there will be dialect and puppet theatre, the classical Pianofortissimo & Talenti reviews, the Festival dedicated to the composer Ottorino Respighi from Bologna and the traveling screen. As usual, during the summer other events will be added to those announced: the project commits the Municipality of Bologna for 1.3 million euros, the Ministry of Culture for 500 thousand and “an investment by private individuals of at least 10 times as much,” added the mayor. (HANDLE).

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