«He’s happy to come to town, he’s reading Romeo and Juliet»

«It will be a beautiful day, hopefully sunny too. I heard from Pope Francis and he is happy to come here. He is now reading “Romeo and Juliet”. The bishop of Verona, Monsignor Domenico Pompili, smiles, already looking ahead to Saturday 18 May, the day of Pope Francis’ visit to the city.

When did you first talk to the Holy Father about the possibility of coming here?
«Shortly after he informed me of my move to Verona (in July 2022, ed.). I told him “he will come and visit us sometime”. I think it is important to have direct knowledge of the Pope: he is the most reliable interpreter of the Gospel, because he announces it and practices it, but he is also the voice out of the chorus regarding many human issues. I am referring in particular to peace. The world has gotten worse in recent years.”

The Pope has launched the appeal for a “ceasefire” several times. What does the Pope mean when he speaks of “peace”?
«It is not the simple absence of war. Peace refers to that other essential dimension which is justice. This is why the slogan that frames the day, almost like a rainbow, is “Justice and Peace will kiss”, because they cannot exist unless perfectly integrated. The Pope offers us a perspective of peace that is very close to the biblical “shalom”: a basket of relational goods, in which coexistence between peoples is possible. His great contribution is to move away from the logic of the clash of civilizations as an inevitable conflict between cultures, which was the prevailing narrative of the 2000s. The conflict to which the Pope refers is an economic competition. The war currently raging in Europe goes far beyond Russia and Ukraine, but has to do with a long-term confrontation between the United States and emerging powers. There are much broader logics that we must keep in mind. The Pope has a broader outlook.”

His reference to the “white flag” for Ukraine caused controversy. What are the ways out of this conflict?
«That reference was intended to launch a provocation: if we enter into the logic according to which war is the only possible option, there is no longer room for anything. White flag does not mean surrender, but the opening of a dialogue capable of overcoming the arrogance of weapons. This reminder of the priority of negotiation and discussion is essential if we want to imagine something different than an escalation that would only lead us towards an irreparable disaster.”

Flavio Lotti, director of national coordination of local bodies for peace and human rights, said that this Arena of Peace comes in perhaps the most dangerous time. Do you believe that too?
«We are in a slippery moment, in which anything can happen and I would not like to be among those who, in other historical moments, underestimated some indicators that made it clear that the irreparable was about to be overcome. This should not lead us to become agitated, if anything it should make us more aware that we need greater clarity in looking to the future. Otherwise, we risk losing the perception of how a spark can become a fire. The Peace Arena is an opportunity to give voice to this concern, which must inspire thoughts, words and actions not only of those who govern, but also of citizens.”

The Arena of Peace was born in 1986 at the push of the Comboni Missionaries, but it has never been at the center of the geography of the Church, at least until now…
«This year’s Peace Arena, by the explicit will of Pope Francis, is the opportunity for a meeting with popular movements. Big changes don’t rain down from above and it doesn’t all depend on those who govern us, because this would generate an exemption from responsibility. The Arena of Peace today is the space in which believers and non-believers meet in the perspective of peace, united in the creation of practices and thoughts that go in the desired direction.”

Will the Pope shake hands with prisoners, as he did in Venice?
«In Verona he will do even more, because he will have lunch with them. The Pope always goes to prison because he believes that no one should be denied another opportunity, without detracting from the course of justice. No one is ever simply what he made: there is no irretrievably lost existence and no sensational failure that justifies the discarding of the person.”

If you had to give the meaning of this Pope’s visit to Verona with a title, what would it be?
“The kiss. Because it is a physical and spiritual, emotional and carnal mix. It is integration between different people and conjunction between people. And it must also be the objective of the city of Verona, whose beauty, which makes it so romantic, lies precisely in the perception of a place where there is a singular blend of beauty and harmony: this is not only inscribed in the walls and in the churches of this city, but it must be in the hearts and relationships between people.”

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