“Gender, school, education”, success for the pro-life movement conference

A conference organized by the Movement for Life of Civitavecchia was well attended despite the splendid pre-holiday day which invited guests to the seaside. The event was excellently introduced by Dr. Giuseppe Capparella, who laid the foundations for the talks that followed, clarifying that the “Gender Theory” proposes a division, on a theoretical-conceptual level, between two aspects of identity of the person: 1) Sex, which constitutes a genetic makeup, a set of biological, physical and anatomical characteristics, male or female.
2) Gender which represents a cultural construction, the representation, definition and incentive of behaviors that form part of the biological makeup (we end up classifying 70 genders).

“Gender – say the Movement for Life – is therefore a product of human culture, the fruit of a persistent social and cultural adjustment of identities, and this is why a man can delude himself into “choosing” to become a woman and so on . In essence, gender is a learned character or one that I choose to my liking, not something pre-existing. The particular diffusion of this doctrine among the young generations may find reason to exist in the moment of youth crisis and emergency that we are experiencing . According to the speaker Dr. Lucia Cozzolino (Psychologist – Psychotherapist – Specialist in EMDR Psychotraumatology and Trainer in charge of FIDAE and National Catholic Schools), we must put the spotlight on the development of the individual starting from the most tender age, childhood and adolescence, to the protection, prevention and promotion of the well-being of children.

As regards this group of young people, the collective objective concerns the protection of their free expression and little knowledge of themselves, often disoriented by the deceptions of the internet.

The new identities, definable as “technoliquid” and “hyperconnected” in a post-modern era, are increasingly immersed in a lack of emotional harmony, symptoms that are increasingly evident and widespread on a large scale: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc.

To actively intervene in this educational crisis and emergency it is urgent to recover the authentic, authoritative and open relationship to the transmission of values ​​and sense of self, developing an ANTIFRAGILE personality profile.

The educational challenge must pay scrupulous attention to the dialogic capacity of adults, to the promotion of a conscious use of social media, to the conscious intention of offering models of identification. It will be necessary to build bridges for the transmission of experiential knowledge, which act as a guide particularly in the period of development, which is so uncertain for our young people.

In this very particular condition of the developmental age, therefore, a particular vulnerability and fragility is found in children and pre-adolescents, which can make them more easily subject and permeable to the most disparate proposals, ideas, ideological constructions. Hence the important role of parents in transmitting values ​​that strengthen their personality.

Dr. Brambilla, professor at Lumsa, UPRA, Lateran University, ambassador for the family 2022, highlighted how, according to gender theories, the difference between man and woman presupposes injustice and therefore, considering the difference between the sexes as an inequality., it would be necessary to erase sexual difference to achieve equality between males and females, between men and women. And so in schools, where we try to achieve this equality through very noble projects such as those concerning, for example, inclusion, bullying and so on, projects based on gender theory are inserted. And so, according to this vision, in a scenario between the utopian and the dystopian, it is stated that one is biologically male or female, but this does not count for one’s sexual identity. From this perspective, the child must experiment with other paths, perhaps dressing as a female if he is male and vice versa. All to understand the gender they belong to.

However, we must keep in mind – states Dr. Brambilla – that even if a child experiences a distance, in childhood, between his body and his personality, medical literature shows that as age advances this «inconsistency of gender” that arose in childhood is resolved.

Even more so, an approach, such as the one called “affirmative” (i.e. the one that tends to support children and young people in the choice of the new expressed gender, including and encouraging the social transition from before puberty, ed.), can cement a a sensation that arose for various reasons and was completely temporary, pushing children into paths that range from pharmacological blocking of puberty to surgical interventions, encouraging the idea – also supported by the media – that these children would be born “in the wrong body”.

The majority of these children, however, (when they do not begin a transition process, with puberty blockers, etc.) cease to be dysphoric, with desistance rates ranging between 60% and 90%. Typically, the period of spontaneous desistance occurs with the onset of puberty, in conjunction with the physiological processes of masculinization/feminization of the body and with the normal experiences of falling in love and sexual attraction.

More than half of children with gender dysphoria have at least one other comorbid mental disorder, and a significant proportion meet criteria for autism spectrum disorder and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The Dr. Finally, Onori, taking care of the legal approach, in defense of natural law, exposed and motivated a criticism of gender theories in schools, pointing out that, in the relevant debate, profound questions emerge on the role of education in the training of young people and on validity of ideologies that go beyond biology and the very nature of the human being. Gender theories argue that gender is a social construction, separate from biological sex, and promote the idea that gender identity is fluid and determined by culture and individual choices. However, this view contrasts with the concept of natural law, which recognizes that there are fundamental innate moral truths and laws, independent of culture or social conventions.
One of the main problems with introducing gender theories into schools is the imposition of a controversial ideology without considering the ethical and social implications. Education should be neutral and provide students with a solid foundation of scientific and moral knowledge, rather than promoting a worldview that may conflict with the beliefs of their families and communities.
Natural law offers a solid foundation on which to base moral and social education. It recognizes that there are universal and moral truths that do not depend on individual opinions or cultural fashions. This approach promotes respect for human dignity, the family and the social institutions that are essential to the well-being of society.

During the conference, the activity of the GenerAzioneD association, present at the conference, emerged. GenerAzioneD ( https://www.generazioned.org ) aims to inform about the problems of gender dysphoria/incongruence in children, adolescents and young adults. The technical term used is “Gender Dysphoria”, which has always affected a very small percentage of the adult and predominantly male population – 0.005-0.014% and was characterized by an onset in childhood. The association is mainly made up of parents who share the experience of having children who, often from one day to the next and without any manifestation in childhood, have identified as transgender. In recent years, with the numerical explosion of adolescents who have turned to gender clinics, which has grown exponentially thanks to theorizations on gender and the relative identification of many adolescents in the proposed models, everything has changed. In 2018, the Tavistock Clinic in London – the only public center dedicated to the treatment of minors and an international point of reference until July 2022 when it was decided not to close following the critical issues found by an independent review – recorded an increase of 4400 % of requests from girls compared to the previous decade.

GenerAzioneD agrees with what was stated by Prof. Brambilla, regarding the questionability of the “affirmative” approach by many doctors, interested in encouraging ever younger children to affirm a gender different from that of birth, channeling many of them towards “taking puberty blocking drugs and intervening medically in a phase in which dysphoria is considered, even for the most “extreme” cases, to be of a transitory nature”.

GenerAzioneD therefore offers its free consultancy to parents with children who present these problems, and it is possible to contact the association through the website https://www.generazioned.org

The complete video of the conference can be seen on YOUTUBE

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