Latina: Blue Flag 2024, the statements of mayor Celentano and councilor Addonizio – “The Gulf just a click away

The Municipality of Latina was awarded the eleventh Blue Flag, awarded today in Rome by the FEE, as part of the ceremony held at the Cnr headquarters in the presence of the FEE Italia president Claudio Mazza and the Minister of Marine Policies Nello Musumeci.

Mayor Matilde Celentano and Environment Councilor Franco Addonizio, among the administrators of 226 Italian Municipalities that have obtained Fee certification, took part in the event, thus being able to compare themselves with colleagues from other coastal areas.

“I am particularly satisfied with the confirmation of our Blue Flag for this year too – declared Mayor Celentano, on the sidelines of the ceremony – A recognition of the work carried out in recent months and the active contribution of Acqualatina and the Consorzio di Bonifica Lazio Sud Ovest which constantly are committed to water quality, one of the main essential requirements for obtaining the Fee banner. A requirement that can never be taken for granted.”

“Last year – Councilor Addonizio recalled in this regard – a few weeks after our settlement, cloudy water phenomena occurred, mainly due to recurring rainfall. We immediately convened the water table, with the main actors competent in the matter, for the purpose of closer monitoring and targeted actions. A team effort that also involved the Local Health Authority, the Port Authority and Arpa Lazio”.

The first citizen Celentano and the councilor Addonizio wanted to underline how “the good result, with the awarding of the other seven Blue Flags to the Pontine coast, rewards the vision of sustainable development that emerges in the province of Latina, spreading beneficial effects in terms of promotion of the entire territory”.

“Today’s result is not a point of arrival – stated Mayor Celentano – but a starting point to always improve ourselves in services related to bathing, mobility and the environment in general. Together with the Blue Flag this year we will have 30 Green Flags, eight Eco-Schools more than last year”.

“I take this opportunity to thank the offices which with passion and dedication have impeccably followed the complex application procedure for the Fee certification”, highlighted councilor Addonizio.

“The municipal administration – concluded Mayor Celentano – is already working on the obligations required by the Fee to be carried out by July 1st”.

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