“Battle of civilizations” – Ondanews.it

“Battle of civilizations” – Ondanews.it
“Battle of civilizations” – Ondanews.it

“The Council of State has fully confirmed Campania’s theses, has censured the delays, and establishes the unacceptability of the procedures implemented by the Government. And he considered the supervenience of article 10 of the Cohesion Decree to be specious: the rule which surreptitiously introduced the Bagnoli affair into the FSC Fund was dismantled”.

This is what he states Vincenzo De Luca, President of the Campania Region, regarding the decision of IV section of the Council of State which ascertained the obligation of the Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the Pnrr to define the procedure for signing the cohesion agreement with the Campania Region for the destination of the funds.

The appeal was brought last January by Campania region who complained about the delay in the conclusion of the agreement, stipulated instead with the majority of the other Regions and autonomous Provinces, and the impossibility of financing numerous strategic interventions for the Campania region. The Campania Regional Administrative Court accepted the appeal with a ruling today confirmed by the Council of State.

“One hopes that at this point it is once the long and shameful chain of pretexts is over, of delays, of instrumental delays, which has penalized and continues to penalize businesses, families and municipalities in Campania. We hope to be able to start working in the interest of our communities – continues De Luca – It is the result of the battle of civilization and dignity in which hundreds of mayors, administrators and ordinary citizens have been involved in recent months”.

“It is a reason for great hope and great satisfaction for those who have believed in the administrative justice of our country” concludes De Luca.

9/05/2024- Cohesion Funds, the Council of State anticipates the sentence. De Luca’s announcement

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