“Emiliano was the leader of the populists”

“This morning I am in Bari to meet the local press and explain why Puglia will not return to racing as long as Michele Emiliano is at the helm. We are not interested in investigations. We say that Emiliano has failed on Tap, Ilva, Xylella, drills, good school. He was the leader of the populists”. This was stated in his enews reported by AdnKronos by the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, who spoke in the Apulian capital for a meeting in view of the European elections.

“And he would have already gone home if the Five Star Movement and Action had not saved him last Wednesday – says Renzi -. The parties that nitpick others on the moral issue save the President of the Region from double standards. We go to Bari to tell the citizens of Puglia that in recent years we have always proposed a different line than Emiliano. And today, when the facts demonstrate that that system did not work, we are the only ones who have the courage to ask for his resignation on Twitter and Instagram but then the seats in the region are kept good” concludes Renzi who announced the launch of a ‘motion of no confidence’ against Emiliano by starting a petition to collect signatures. The leader of Italia Viva also asked for the governor’s resignation because he would have “failed due to his positions on Tap, Ilva and Xylella”.

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