The Garden of San Francesco is reborn in the Santa Croce complex in Florence, a hymn to biodiversity

A corner of peace and harmony is born in the heart of the complex Santa Croce in Florence. After studies and research it was recreated the Garden of San Francesco who wants to be the ancient and very current symbol of respect for the planetprotection of biodiversity and a new relationship between man and the environment.

The Garden was built in the area it is located behind the apse of the basilicavi over 200 species are cultivated in an area where nature and biodiversity flourish freely.

There are hemp, nettle and flax which were used for the friars’ clothes; the flowery meadowsymbol for Francis of the beauty of creation; cabbage, mustard, parsley and the rose garden which refer to some specific episodes in the life of Francis.

The project was born from in-depth research into the sources: they were in fact recovered precious information on medieval gardens in ancient iconography (from the plan of the garden of the monastery of San Gallo in Switzerland to the illuminated manuscripts of the 14th and 15th centuries) but also from texts such asHortulus by Valafrido Strabo 9th century abbot of Reichenau.

“Francis’ Garden is a space of beauty and spirituality, inspired by the model and values ​​of the Saint. Located at the starting point of the Franciscan paths, aims to be an invitation to rediscover the balance with nature, for a new awareness of the profound relationships between human beings and the environment that can help us live our daily journey better and healthier”, he highlighted father Giancarlo Corsini rector of the Basilica.

“It is a project born from the collaboration between different realities, united by the choice to give value to the common good, developing sustainable tourist hospitality, which puts the person at the center and offers visitors an opportunity for personal as well as cultural growth”, he highlighted Cristina Acidini president of the Opera di Santa Croce.

The Garden of San Francesco it can be visited for free at the following times: Monday – Saturday from 9.30 to 17.30, Sunday and public holidays from 12.30 to 17.45, with entrance from Via di San Giuseppe.

San Francesco Garden

The Garden of San Francesco: symbol of the relationship between man and the environment

The Garden is intended to be a metaphor for how Francis of Assisi read the relationship between man and nature: he wanted it to provide vegetables for food and aromatic and medicinal herbs for the care of the community and that a part was left uncultivated, so that nature could make its giftfree to grow, to flourish and to choose.

The uncultivated area represented a sign of trust in the gift of creation, demonstrating the willingness to depend on God’s generosity rather than one’s ability to control and manipulate the earth. A thought that resonates today as a hymn to biodiversitya strong reminder to limit man’s impact on the world.

The creation of the Garden is part of “The Seed of the Common Good” project born from a multi-year agreement betweenWork of Santa Croce, the Community of Friars Minor Conventual and Abocawith Valtiberina Project Foundation.

“For Aboca it is an honor to be able to collaborate with the community of friars and the Opera di Santa Croce to carry out this project which, through the metaphor of Francis’ Garden, reminds us of the importance of combining the activities of human beings with respect for biodiversity and helps us reflect on our role as custodians and not dominators of the nature of which we are part,” he has declared Massimo Mercati CEO of Aboca.

The Francis Walks Festival

Saint Francis traveled a lot in his life to meet people and to spread his message message of peace, love and communion with nature.

His path crossed some of the most beautiful places in central Italy: from Florence to La Verna, through Vallombrosa or the Consuma passin the direction of Arezzo and Cortona to resume the road towards Assisi.

It is in this context that the Francis Walks Festival 2024 that this year will start from Florence, with a inaugural event scheduled for Saturday 18 Mayat 11 am, at Cenacle of the monumental complex of Santa Croce. We will talk about the “gift of creation” with Telmo Pievani, father Giancarlo Corsini and Giovanna Zucconi.

San Francesco Garden

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