La Siritide – 13/05/2024 – Complaints and reports from the Carabinieri in the control services in Val d’Agri

La Siritide – 13/05/2024 – Complaints and reports from the Carabinieri in the control services in Val d’Agri
La Siritide – 13/05/2024 – Complaints and reports from the Carabinieri in the control services in Val d’Agri

The Provincial Carabinieri Command of Potenza continues its extraordinary control activities of the territory through the Companies and Stations spread across the territory under its jurisdiction. In particular, over the past weekend, the Carabinieri of the Viggiano Company conducted intense activity which affected a large part of the Val d’Agri and some municipalities in the area. Hundreds of checks of vehicles and drivers led to the identification and monitoring of as many road users, contesting violations for more than 4,500 euros and withdrawing four driving licenses for various reasons.

Six referrals were made in a state of freedom, of which two were against foreign citizens caught on national territory without having the right to do so, three for driving under the influence of alcohol and one for cultivation of Indian hemp and detention for the purpose of dealing drugs; an event in which eight seedlings of “cannabis indica”, one hundred and ten seeds, a narcotic substance and a precision scale were seized. Four reports were made to the Prefecture of Potenza of as many local citizens as users of narcotic substances as they were found in possession of hashish during personal and vehicle searches carried out by the military. In the same context, a series of checks followed at commercial establishments located in the area, aimed at monitoring customers, the regularity of administrative authorizations and the administration of food and drinks, especially alcoholic ones, to prevent their sale to people not licensed to purchase with particular attention to minors. The commitment of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Potenza, strengthened with the continuity of these services even in periods not affected by holidays or anniversaries, reaffirms how high and constant the attention of all the dependent departments is in continuing a constant and increasingly main territorial control action.

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