Serie B: Venezia and Cremonese in pole position for the bookmakers, Palermo only outsiders

B series

Serie B: Venezia and Cremonese in pole position for the bookmakers, Palermo only outsiders

05/13/2024 09:52 am

The curtain will rise on the playoffs on Friday B series to define the third promoted to Serie A after Parma and Como. According to bookmakers the big favorite is Venicewith the Cremonese half a step back. Definitely behind and on the lowest step of the podium Sampdoria finished seventh in the championship.

It is behind the Dorians the Palermo, opponent on Friday evening in the first play off, despite the best placing in the standings and the possibility of playing at home with the double result. Between Ligurians and Sicilians fits the Catanzarowhile the Brescia.

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