Municipal elections in Bari, who are the mayoral candidates

Municipal elections in Bari, who are the mayoral candidates
Municipal elections in Bari, who are the mayoral candidates

For the municipal elections on 8 and 9 June there are five candidates for the office of mayor of Bari, supported by 26 lists in total. The candidates, in alphabetical order, are: Michele Laforgia, Vito Leccese, Sabino Mangano, Fabio Romito and Nicola Sciacovelli.

Who are the mayoral candidates in Bari

As announced in mid-April the wide field runs divided with Michele Laforgia chosen by the M5S e Vito Leccese from the Democratic Party. There are six lists linked to the lawyer The Forge (also supported by the Convention): Bari Bene Comune, Laforgia Mayor, Italian Communist Party, Generazione Urbana, Movimento 5 Stelle and Bari Città d’Europa. However, there are seven who support it Leccese (also supported by Verdi and Azione): Pd, Europa Verde, Leccese Sindaco, Progetto Bari, Decaro per Bari, Con Leccese Sindaco and Noi Popolari. There is also an eighth list, for the mayor, presented only for the Municipalities and not for the City Council. Sabino Mangano, former 5 Star Movement and former city councilor, is supported only by the Oltre list. The unitary candidate of the centre-right, Fabio Romito, can count on ten lists: Romito Mayor, Bari for Fabio Romito, Forza Italia, Brothers of Italy, Liberals and Reformists-New Psi, We Moderates and Take Back the Future, UDC-Italy First, Agorà, Mario Conca, Pensioners and young invalids together. Finally there is the former city councilor and former metropolitan councilor Nicola Sciacovelli, supported by the Sciacovelli mayor lists – We like it! and Noi for Bari-Italexit for Italy for Sciacovelli mayor.

see also

Municipal elections June 2024, dates, cities and how to vote: what to know

The municipal elections

In Puglia, 62 municipalities will vote on 8 and 9 June. Among the capitals, in addition to Bari, Lecce must also choose the mayor. There are 10 other centers with more than 15 thousand inhabitants: Gioia del Colle, Putignano, Rutigliano, Santeramo in Colle, Mesagne, Manfredonia, San Giovanni Rotondo, San Severo, Torremaggiore and Copertino.

see also

European elections, the strangest electoral lists to vote for

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