47 million arriving in Naples and Campania

In Naples the acquisition and recovery of the Monte di Pietà complex, the creation of the Book and Reading Museum at Palazzo Fuga, in Positano further valorisation of the excavations of the Roman Villa and the Archaeological Museum, in Ischia the refunctionalisation project of the Colombaia, in Benevento the enlargement of the Sannio Museum. These are just some of the initiatives financed in Campania by the Ministry of Culture.
Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano has in fact just signed five decrees concerning the «Major Cultural Heritage Projects» Strategic Plan, which is divided into «Reprogramming of financial resources», «Planning of residual resources for the 2020 year», «Programming of residual resources for the 2023 year» , «Planning of additional resources for the year 2023» and «Planning of resources for the year 2024».

«The Major Cultural Heritage Projects are a fundamental stage in our work», declared Sangiuliano. «We managed to intervene on a very complex set of assets of our splendid heritage. After extensive discussions with the various territories, various sites were chosen in almost all Italian regions: from the Bellini theater in Catania to the Oropa Sanctuary in Biella, from the book museum in Naples, to the Basovizza foiba, from the archaeological park of San Casciano to the Roman villa of Positano. Just to mention some of the interventions. An action that allows us to realize the idea of ​​widespread protection and valorization throughout the territory. Italy must be proud of its heritage, a global unicum in quality and quantity, we must take care of it and make it an opportunity for socio-economic development.”

Development starting from Naples, therefore, where the Palazzo del Monte di Pietà is acquired in the entirety of its “real estate complex and the protected movable assets allocated” for the maximum amount of 7 million and 900,000 euros; for its recovery the Mic then allocates 10 million euros for a maximum overall total of almost 18 million. «The building in via dei Tribunali – says the minister – has a natural cultural vocation. The idea is to place the Totò museum, the State archive and the Enel archive there, as well as spaces for exhibitions and cultural activities. It is a further demonstration of the commitment to Naples and to the valorisation of its heritage.” Then, there is the National Museum of Books and Reading at Palazzo Fuga (4 million euros allocated) in the spaces of the Federico II University. Also in the city, 4 million have been allocated for the construction of the Napoli Archeolab at the Stella Polare, redeveloping the decommissioned ANM depot. In Forio d’Ischia 1 million has been allocated for the refunctionalization project of Luchino Visconti’s Villa La Colombaia and in Caivano (where the auditions for the Piccolo Coro di Caivano promoted by the Mic begin today and tomorrow) 12 million have been allocated for the redevelopment and creation of the New Culture Center.

In Positano, 2 million euros have been allocated for new prospects for excavation and valorisation of the Roman Villa and the Archaeological Museum. In Benevento 2 million for the adaptation of the Sannio Museum and in Sant’Agata de’ Goti, finally, 4 million for the recovery of the Ecclesial Compendium of the historic centre. For a total of almost 47 million euros.

Minister Sangiuliano was in Positano yesterday afternoon and in Sorrento in the morning to celebrate the reopening (and 100 years) of the historic Correale Museum, where he inaugurated the new Archaeological Section: «The value of the history of the Correale Museum is able to corroborate the fame of a city like Sorrento, an iconic place of our nation renowned, sung and known throughout the world. We’re giving it back to the city,” he said.
Today at 4pm Sangiuliano will visit the Girolamini monumental complex. On this occasion, an initial assessment will be carried out on the reopening to the public, after the important restoration work on the Church of the Girolamini. In the evening, at 7pm, the minister will be at the presentation of the new Acen headquarters, which after a few decades will move to the prestigious neoclassical Palazzo Ruffo della Scaletta on the Riviera di Chiaia.

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