the Municipality forced to pay 10 thousand euros to repair the damage

They range from broken or smeared benches to rubbish scattered around the park. From the road sign torn down just to spite who knows who, to the license plate thrown to the ground…

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We go from broken bench or smeared ai rubbish scattered in the park. From the road sign torn down just to spite who knows who, to the license plate thrown to the ground in the center. It’s still: the writings on the walls, the broken bins, the kicked bicycles. They are small facts, you might think. But they have a cost, which falls on the community. And there is not only the economic factor, but also the statistics. In PordenoneIndeed, every three days the Municipality is forced to intervene to deal with acts of vandalism or to more general damage. And the annual bill exceeds ten thousand euros a year. Money that would certainly be better saved and dedicated to something else.


To draw the balance is the municipal heritage councilor, Giuseppe Verdichizzi. First, however, he is keen to make a premise: «Compared to what happens in other cities, especially the larger ones, the situation in Pordenone is not that bad. However, one fact remains – explains the member of the Ciriani council -: these are always acts that have nothing to do with civic sense and which are very annoying”. Then the numbers: «The Municipality’s maintenance service – explains Verdichizzi – intervenes on average ten times a month for episodes of this kind: they range from small things to decidedly more annoying events». And the calculation is easy: it involves an extraordinary maintenance intervention every three days. Among these, Giuseppe Verdichizzi further clarified, there is also damage caused by motorists who, after having ruined public property in any way, do not stop and leave.

Mayor Ciriani thunders against baby vandals: “They have already cost us thousands of euros, now we will react”


From the yellow letters of Pordenonelegge to the walls of the alleys smeared with wild writings. If it were to intervene anywhere, the Municipality would spend much more than the thousands of euros already mentioned. Yet the bill is already this high. Throughout the territory there are many small acts of vandalism which – put together – make quite a pile. Two recent examples are the damage – yet another – to the public toilets in Piazza XX Settembre and the graduation party that ended up in the rubbish at the Querini park, passing through the frequent acts of vandalism that occur in Torre and the demolition of some plaques in Old Town. «Unfortunately, we are not always able to identify those responsible and therefore force them to pay, but fortunately sometimes it happened”, concluded Verdichizzi. More or less the same message that Mayor Ciriani had launched after the piles of rubbish left by the children at Querini park. «Congratulations to the pigs who left the park in this condition after celebrating a birthday or something similar (there are gift boxes scattered everywhere). Too much effort to use the baskets. If we catch you, you will pay the cleaning bill.” This had been his outburst.


Read the full article at
The Gazzettino

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