Rovigo elections: Obligatory choice for Rifondazione

ROVIGO – They will not participate in the local elections on 8 and 9 June 2024 and will leave freedom of choice to their supporters. After a complex interlocution with the mayoral candidate Edoardo Gaffeo and the coalition that supports him, without a positive outcome, Rifondazione Comunista and the independent candidates and candidates, ‘Rifondazione Comunista Plus’, with a democratic and shared path, had chosen to present in the next local elections of Rovigo an autonomous program proposal and their candidate for mayor, Diego Foresti.

“The reasons for this choice were imposed by the de facto entry of +Europa and Italia Viva into the coalition, and therefore by the failure to share the political perimeter of the alliance and fundamental points of the program and value profile – declares Foresti – Among these , essential for us, the opposition to war, rearmament policies and the war economy, which will also have consequences on the already insufficient budgets of local authorities, the coherence of the administration’s concrete policies with the fundamental principles of the Constitution of the Republic , born from the Partisan Resistance, the participation of citizens with specific moments of public discussion on the most important choices.

Our objective was to put the response to the needs of the weakest and most fragile segments of the population at the center of the government proposal of the Rifondazione Plus list. The right to health, the right to a dignified and fairly paid job, the fight against climate change, the right to live and the fight against precariousness.

In the latest electoral rounds, voter participation has been increasingly reduced in the popular sectors, which have seen their living conditions worsen, regardless of the colors of the successive governments. Our goal was and is to restore rights and representation!

This is the summary of a denser and more complex program with which we wanted to give a positive change to the government of our city. Insurmountable reasons of correctness and consistency with the law which regulates the presentation of candidatures for local elections, despite having had a large number, more than sufficient for our list, of subscriptions from citizens, have forced us to take a step back and we will not be present with our programmatic proposal in this electoral competition.

Naturally, as has always been the case, we will continue to bring our contents to life through concrete mobilization of the political and cultural debate on the most important issues that concern our present and our future. Starting from the fight for peace, against rearmament policies and the war economy which will be at the center of our electoral campaign for the European elections with the membership and support of the ‘Peace Earth Dignity’ list, together with the protection of more fragile sectors of the population and the defense of the environment” conclude from the Communist Refoundation of Rovigo.

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