Florence, 15 year old reports sexual assault during school trip

A 15-year-old foreign student reported to the police, accompanied by the teacher in whom she had confided, that she had suffered sexual violence in Florence, in a room of the hotel where she was staying with the rest of the class. According to the information gathered by the investigators, the alleged attacker is an Italian student, just 18 years old, from another institute. In fact, this is the period for end-of-year trips and the Tuscan capital is often chosen as a destination by schools from all over Italy and beyond. The student met the 15-year-old in the hotel and then forced her to have sexual intercourse in one of her rooms, the night between Sunday and last Monday. The victim told her classmates what happened to her and then also spoke to a teacher. The teacher accompanied her to the hospital, where the so-called pink code, the Tuscany Region protocol reserved for victims of violence, was activated. At the emergency room in Ponte a Niccheri, after her visits, she reported her attacker. The police then made an inspection of the hotel structure trying to track him down but it would seem that his class has already left Florence. The agents have taken the names of all the students who have stayed in the hotel in recent days, and the 15-year-old’s clothes are in the scientific police laboratories for DNA research. Twenty-four hours earlier, another sexual assault was reported in the city, by a twenty-year-old student who was allegedly attacked in an apartment in the historic center.

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