The Adige of VeronaLegnago, here is the list of “Autonomy for Veneto” in support of Paolo Longhi

Legnago, here is the civic list “Autonomy for Veneto” which, in coalition with Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia, and with the support of Noi Moderati, will be present in the municipal elections of 8-9 June 2024 in support of the candidacy as mayor by Paolo Longhi. Nine women and seven men, who bring different stories and experiences, united by the desire to bring a change of pace to the city of Legnago.

«We are a civic force with a clear political, non-party connotation, born around the precise desire to finally see autonomy implemented for the Veneto Region, strongly desired by the citizens, who have clearly expressed themselves through their votes», explained the coordinator of “Autonomy for Veneto”, Maria Alessandra Donà, who will be the leader of the team.

Donà then added: «A project, ours, which brought together women and men with different paths. Who no longer found, in Salvini’s League, those values ​​that had led them to believe in the movement founded by Umberto Bossi. Who has always looked with interest at the so-called “autonomy galaxy”, tenaciously pursuing the autonomy of our territory. Those who feel close to the center-right as a coalition, preferring to embrace the project as a whole, and not a single party. Those who recognize themselves in the centrist forces of this political and ideal area, as evidenced by the adhesion of ‘We Moderates’ to our list”.

On the presence, within the civic body, of the party led at a national level by Maurizio Lupi and represented on the list by Michele Badia, Donà hoped that the choice of this party will set a precedent: «There is a whole world that harks back to the ideals liberals and popularism that does not adhere to the main parties, that you can find in us the right viaticum to see your requests represented. Just as there are various autonomist, federalist and regionalist realities with which we are very open to dialogue. We are fortunate to be able to count on a mayoral candidate who knows how to listen, which is certainly a great advantage.”

Finally, the leader of the list referred to the main values, clearly excluding regional autonomy, which the group led by her wanted to bring within the coalition also with regards to the programmatic lines; family, active labor policies and the Church’s social doctrine are the key words enunciated by the former social councilor.

Themes highlighted as decisive, in the choice to be part of the civic list “Autonomy for Veneto”, by Francesco Coppi, candidate for the European elections in the joint Forza Italia-Noi Moderati list, part of the centrist party, and present for the “baptism ” of the team.

Also present was regional councilor Alberto Bozza, elected in 2020 with the Forza Italia-Autonomia per il Veneto list, and therefore always sensitive to the need to implement the outcome of the popular referendum of 22 October 2017.

Closing entrusted, naturally, to the mayoral candidate Paolo Longhi: «We present a list with a strong female traction and identified on a very important theme which is that of differentiated regional autonomy. The symbol is the lion of St. Mark, which not only represents a place and a thousand-year history, that of the Venetian Republic, but also a warning: let us not be frightened by envious people capable only of offending. We will move forward with our heads held high to spread our good ideas for Legnago. Because in a land of predators, the lion never fears the jackal.”

Civic List “Autonomy for Veneto” – Longhi Mayor: Maria Alessandra DONA’, Giampaolo ARAMINI, Michele BADIA, Giovanni BELLINI, Tatiana CARAZZATO, Patrizia DEGANELLO, Giulietta DUSI, Alessandra MORRONE, Monica PAGNIN, Elisa PERONI, Elena ROSSINI, Mauro SAGGIORO, Renzo SANDRINI, Filippo SPADAFORA, Alessandro TREVISAN and Barbara ZILIOTTO


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