experts compared in a conference in Brindisi

BRINDISI – “Healthcare responsibility: current profiles and future prospects” is the title of the congress scheduled for 10 May, from 8.30 am, in the Port Authority of Brindisi organized by the Local Health Authority with the Bar Association and with the patronage of the Medical Association , of the Scientific Society of Legal Doctors of Health Companies, of the Appulo Lucana Academy of Forensic Medicine and Insurance, of the Italian Society of Forensic Medicine and Insurance and of Forensic and Criminalistic Sciences.

The Congress, whose scientific directors are Dr. Stefania Bello and the lawyer Gabriele Garzia, was born from the daily and continuous synergy between the Clinical Risk Management Operational Unit and the Legal Bureaucratic Structure of the ASL Brindisi. The organization was supported by the Scientific Committee composed of the lawyer Alfredo Perricci and the doctors Giuseppe Lecce and Gino Elia.

The healthcare director, Vincenzo Gigantelli, will present the congress and the topics under discussion, all of which have a pressing impact on the healthcare profession. This will be followed by institutional greetings from the general director Maurizio De Nuccio, the administrative director Loredana Carulli, the president of the Civil Section of the Court of Brindisi Fausta Palazzo, the public prosecutor of the court of Brindisi Antonio Giuseppe De Donno, the president of the Bar Association of Brindisi Daniela Faggiano, the president of the Medical Association Arturo Oliva and the president of the Italian Society of Forensic Medicine and Insurance Francesco Introna.

The greeting from the president of the Coordination of the Specialization Schools of the Milan-Bicocca University, Professor Cristina Giannattasio, will arrive remotely, while the specializing doctors will follow the event remotely. The congress, accredited for healthcare personnel and lawyers, will be divided into two sessions (morning and afternoon) with speeches by leading figures including magistrates, university professors, doctors and lawyers.

The university professors Vittorio Fineschi, Emanuela Turillazzi and Alessandro Dell’Erba will focus attention on the current regulatory and jurisprudential framework in which medical negligence liability is included and on the possible prospects for reform of Law 24/2017 (so-called Gelli-Bianco), subject of the work of the “Commission for the study and in-depth analysis of the problems relating to medical professional negligence”. The subject of reflection will also be the emerging profiles of healthcare liability in the context of new applications of Telemedicine and Artificial Intelligence and consequent medico-legal problems, gross negligence and the elements for compensation action. Aldo di Fazio, director of Legal Medicine of the Basilicata Region, will illustrate the performance indicators in medical-legal investigations and litigation.

Furthermore, the event will offer an in-depth analysis of the employee’s criminal liability also in light of the new regulations, which will be illustrated by the lawyer Giuliano Calabrese. Roberta Marra, magistrate of the Court of Brindisi, will talk about medical liability in the general theory of proof, and Professor Francesco Porcari (University of Salento) will deal with disputes in mediation and conciliation procedures.

In the final round table Raffaella Brocca, magistrate of the Court of Appeal of Lecce, Giovanni La Sorsa, expert in management of medical malpractice claims, and the lawyers Maurizio Friolo and Gabriele Garzia, will discuss, among other things, the jurisprudential innovations on the subject of infections related to care and evidentiary burdens on healthcare companies, on the responsibility of the director of a complex operational unit and team interventions, on the current applications of article 13 of the Gelli-Bianco law and on the public prerogatives linked to the practice of action for treasury damage.

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