Lega and Forza Italia are fighting over the list, if Cirio wins big they can jump 3 places

Lega and Forza Italia are fighting over the list, if Cirio wins big they can jump 3 places
Lega and Forza Italia are fighting over the list, if Cirio wins big they can jump 3 places

The polls are flattering, and this is also why there is a fight within the centre-right to find the alchemy in the formation of Alberto Cirio’s list. That is, the ten councilors who will automatically see their election take place without passing the voters’ examination, but guaranteed by the majority bonus awarded to the most voted presidential candidate. Compared to 2019, however, the electoral law has changed and today winning by a wide margin or even winning by a landslide with a consensus greater than 60% would mean losing up to five armored positions, although they were then recovered thanks to the takeover mechanism to the detriment of those elected on proportional representation.

Marrone cancels the Jar: “Free trade is outlawed”

Paolo Varetto

06 May 2024

This too will be discussed today at the coalition table convened to resolve the final issues. You also have to choose the game plan to adopt for the composition of the price list itself. Until a few weeks ago, (almost) everyone agreed on a wait-and-see 5-3-2: five places for Fratelli d’Italia, three for the League, two Forza Italia, with Noi Moderati, the fourth leg of the coalition, for sit on the bench despite national agreements guaranteeing her safe representation and the Cirio list excluded from the match. However, the latest opinion polls have whetted the appetites of the Azzurri, who are now calling for a reversal of positions with the Northern League. “But they refer to national polls – warns a first-tier incumbent from the League – and then they are already largely protected by Alberto Cirio’s re-nomination.” Reasoning that the regional leaders of Forza Italia do not want to listen to, unless they obtain robust compensation in a future council or in the composition of the Prime Minister’s office. Only in this case would the outgoing governor’s party be content to focus on the current councilor Marco Gabusi and the president of the Borgomanero municipal council Annalisa Beccaria. Both will seek preferences on the proportional system but in two difficult constituencies such as Asti and Novara: hence the decision to guarantee them a parachute on the majoritarian system. Evaluations that will also inspire the League’s choices for its representation in the list. The names should be those of another Asti person, the outgoing vice-president Fabio Carosso, and of the group leader at Palazzo Lascaris Alberto Preioni, the most voted of the entire centre-right in 2019 but in another province at risk such as Verbano Cusio Ossola. The female quota should instead be guaranteed by one of the MEP Gianna Gancia from Cuneo, who will in any case play her chances also for a reconfirmation in Strasbourg, and the Biella Chiara Caucino, former councilor for the Family who signed the law on “Zero removal ”.

Gender equality is another of the aspects that will need to be evaluated at today’s summit and which at the moment contributes to stalling the reasoning of Fratelli d’Italia. The party aiming for a relative majority has only one certainty, that of allocating one of the five armored seats – two prerogative of the capital, the others divided between Biella, Cuneo and Novara – to the outgoing Labor councilor Elena Chiorino. Having said that his council colleague Maurizio Marrone firmly wants to obtain re-election through confrontation with the voters, Turin could be represented by the deputy mayor of Carmagnola Alessandro Cammarata and perhaps by Roberto Ravello, although he would also like to return to the Council through proportional representation. Also worth identifying is the name in Novara (a woman) while in Cuneo we could finally focus on the outgoing group leader Paolo Bongioanni. It is in fact necessary for the list to include the names of at least three councilors in pectore of a hypothetical Cirio-bis: their move to the council would guarantee the takeovers foreseen by the new electoral law, neutralizing the progressive cut of the majority bonus to protect minorities with a minimum of 20 elected in the event of a particularly large victory. If Cirio obtained 55%, the armored positions would be reduced to 8, which would become 7 with more than 57% of the votes. The ten seats would only be guaranteed with a result above 60%, which would reduce the opposition to 18 councillors.

However, the solution must be found by tomorrow evening, Thursday 9 May, so as to proceed with the filing of the lists in the Court of Appeal on Friday morning.. And tomorrow, starting from 6.30 pm, the candidate for president of the 5 Star Movement Sarah Disabato will also present her list (all professionals and technicians selected from civil society) during «Piedmont changes music», an evening of music and politics at the airfield of Collegno with the president of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe Conte and the former mayor Chiara Appendino and the performances of the rappers Inoki and Tormento, DJ Fede and Roberto Molinaro.

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