«I want to grow and broaden my knowledge»

The coach from Pistoia will leave for Novara to begin a new path of personal growth, joining the team of youth coaches

An unrepeatable opportunity, to be seized immediately. Simone Vizzini will leave for Piedmont to join the team of youth coaches Basketball College Novara for the 2024/25 season. Having become a coach in 2012, the young coach has gained experience in the past in minibasketball, youth sector and first teams, having held the role of manager in clubs in the Pistoia and Prato area such as Agliana Basketball, Lella Basket and CMV Valbisenzio. In the last season he led the Titanus Casulguidi in Regional Division 3.

«I was contacted in November 2023, because College Novara intended to hire a coach from outside the region to increase their technical and human quality. They wanted to make a leap in quality regarding the management of the various groups – admits Vizzini – I went to meet them in February, and there was an immediate connection. I immediately found myself in harmony with the president Andrea Del Conte, whom I thank infinitely for his availability. The moment this opportunity presented itself, it was like a dream come true. Finally being able to turn your passion into a full-fledged job. I have been coaching for 12 years, and even though I have changed many jobs and made sacrifices, I have never put basketball aside. I started almost by chance. Due to various injuries I was unable to continue as a player, and therefore I began to help the club where my brother played. From there everything was born. Then this year, thanks also to a very important person in my life, I decided not to deny myself anything. And just at that moment the call from Novara came.”

A role yet to be defined, but which will certainly place him at the center of the company, at the head of projects with very high expectations and ambitions. «I will have a central role in the company together with the technical manager Michele Vecerina. Person with incredible technical and human skills. I will be responsible for mini basketball and will take care of the youth teams as head coach. We are still finalizing the staff, and only then will we have a clear idea of ​​which teams to assign to us. Each team has its own needs and we will try to find the right reference figure for them. Furthermore, the collaboration with Borgomanero Collegeit will be an additional growth opportunity for both me and the boys.”

A non-trivial decision taken by the former coach of Wolf (among the others). Leaving your certainties and setting off into the unknown is never an easy choice to make. But thanks to the help of those who know him best, Simone had no doubts. «Thanks also to the help of Giulia, a very important person for me, I decided what to do. She always supported me and made me understand that this was the right path to follow. Here it’s about leaving everything and going to a region where basketball has other policies and a different mentality. So for me it will be an adventure to live day after day.”

Even if today there are many question marks, Simone has a single goal clearly set in front of him, and he knows the way to achieve it well. «I will make myself available to the club as much as possible. I want to grow and expand my baggage. I want to do super work. The structures are excellent, the management too, and the kids have an uncommon dedication to their work and desire to grow. They care about their shirt and the ball in segments. I expect to discover a different basketball. I will start from scratch, taking with me everything I have learned over the years. I will question myself and my abilities. I want to immediately integrate into society and in the city of Novara in general. Understand their lifestyle and habits. I am hungry for knowledge. I will carry with me an empty backpack where I will put everything I will learn from whoever comes across me.”

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