Elections, Elly Schlein in Foligno for Masciotti: “The city seeks redemption”

First Marsciano, then Perugia and finally Foligno. It is at the “center of the world”, in the words of the candidate of the progressive coalition, Mauro Masciotti, that the Umbrian tour of the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, ended. Three, therefore, the cities of the Green Heart of Italy, close to the vote, which welcomed her and where she arrived to reiterate the full support and support of the “dem” people for the centre-left candidates.

The last one, as mentioned, was Foligno, on the occasion of the subscription dinner organized by the local section of the Democratic Party, led by Maura Franquillo, hosted at the Fulginium sports center. Over two hundred participants welcomed Schlein with great applause, accompanied by the regional secretary of the Democratic Party, Tommaso Bori, and the MEP Camilla Laureti.

Elly Schlein in Foligno (photo Vissani)

“We are very happy to have come to support you” said Elly Schlein, meeting Masciotti, to whom he is also linked by his love for the city of Bologna, where the candidate from Foligno lived for about 20 years. To the Foligno audience, the secretary of the Democratic Party spoke about young people and the fear of the future that girls and boys have today: “We must be – she declared – the bitterest enemies and adversaries of that fear”. A future that for Schlein must be built keeping in mind “where we come from” and therefore reiterating the anti-fascist spirit that permeates the Italian Constitution. Then, thanks to the volunteers, militants and candidates of what he described as “a plural team, in which everyone brings a piece of their own experience, their own experience and their own history”. “This city is looking for redemption after five difficult years” he said, underlining the need to “try to build an alliance on the major issues that interest the people, an alliance made up of people who – he continued – want to bring politics back to be a tool to improve the living conditions of those who live in our cities”. Hence the invitation to make an effort again in view of the appointment with the polls, “because – he declared – you make the difference who live here every day and know the hopes, fears, opportunities and problems of this city : make them yours.” The secretary of the Democratic Party then thanked the many present but also Mauro Masciotti “for the generosity – she concluded – with which he made himself available to act as a guide to this plural, progressive coalition attentive to democratic values”.

Elly Schlein in Foligno (photo Vissani)

“The climate we breathe this evening – the mayoral candidate said for his part – does not exist in our city for many reasons: I could make a list of the things that are wrong, such as healthcare”. Masciotti then spoke of a “democratic situation at risk”. “Many people – he said – are stepping back or have denied their contribution out of fear: this is the thermometer of the democratic situation”. Then, a passage on Europe. “Through our work we must ensure that this becomes a European city, modern and open to all those policies of coexistence which can no longer be aimed only at our territory and we must help our European candidates to build a Europe of cities: it is this – he said in conclusion – is the key to giving a new signal, to eradicate the hatred and resentment that fuel divisions within our communities”.

Having concluded the “dem” appointment, the progressive coalition is now preparing to host another big name in national politics: on Wednesday 8 May, at 9pm, in the Battenti room of the “San Carlo theatre”, the vice-president of the 5 Star Movement and former mayor will arrive of Turin, Chiara Appendino. On Friday 10 May, at 6pm, in the conference room of the Hotel Italia in Piazza Matteotti, the Socialists for Foligno group, which is part of the Foligno in Comune list, has organized a public meeting.

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