A ball of stories at Palazzo Ducale: fragility told through the eyes of relatives

A ball of stories at Palazzo Ducale: fragility told through the eyes of relatives
A ball of stories at Palazzo Ducale: fragility told through the eyes of relatives

The morning of reflection on theimportance of family ties and on the experiences of relatives of fragile and vulnerable individuals. The appointment is for Friday (10 May) from 9.30 am, in the Antica Armeria room of the Palazzo Ducale in Lucca.

The event, entitled A ball of stories, us beyond them. Family members with fragile and vulnerable people, is promoted by the Ets Ceis Foundation, young people and communities of Lucca. During the morning, family members of those in vulnerable situations will share their experiences, in the hope of raising awareness of the importance of paying greater attention to the challenges faced by families in fragile situations. The moment of sharing is the fruit of a path of growth and dialogue born in the community of Pozzuolo of the Ceis and implemented by a group of family members, mainly composed of women.

The morning will begin with the welcome and registration of participants at 9.30, followed by the introduction by the former president of Ceis Don Bruno Frediani. At 10.20, family members of the Pozzuolo Community will tell their testimonies, followed by the interventions of the psychologist Azzurra Corsi at 10.50 and Katyuscia Tomei at 11.10, focused on collaboration to offer support. An opportunity to discuss and exchange opinions on ways to improve support for family members will be offered at 11.20 am, before the conclusion of the morning will be entrusted to Sonia Ridolfi, president of the Ceis Group Youth and Community Foundation. The event is free and open to all those who wish to participate with a special invitation to services and institutions.

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