Pordenone, the first municipality to turn off all speed cameras: “We want to avoid appeals”

Pordenone, the first municipality to turn off all speed cameras: “We want to avoid appeals”
Pordenone, the first municipality to turn off all speed cameras: “We want to avoid appeals”

Pordenone’s speed cameras turned off to avoid appeals: this is the effect of the Supreme Court ruling which at the end of April canceled the fine for speeding received in Treviso by a motorist on the ring road. Friuli Venezia Strade, the managing body of the main regional road network, however, is not there and leaves them on.

The sentence

Last April 22, the Ermellinis agreed with a lawyer from the Treviso Bar who contested a speeding fine given to his client, who was traveling at 97 kilometers per hour out of the 90 that represented the limit. The reason for the dispute is a non-approved device for electronically controlling the speed of vehicles on roads. The fine should therefore be cancelled.

Speed ​​cameras off

For this reason the local police in Pordenone have turned off all their speed cameras. «At least until clarity is clarified on the concrete interpretation of the sentence – explained the commander Maurizio Zorzetto al Gazzettino – this was the decision.” The objective is only one: not to get it to the mayor’s desk Alexander Ciriani and more generally from the Municipality of Pordenone a sea of ​​appeals similar to the one which has effectively put the system of electronic fines in crisis throughout Italy.

Devices in operation

Against the maximum prudence of Pordenone, there are those who read and interpret the Supreme Court ruling as a stop only to some non-approved types of speed cameras and therefore go ahead with the fines captured by electronic devices. «The network covered by Fvg Strade – explained for example the regional councilor for Infrastructures, Cristina Amirante – at the moment it keeps all the speed control devices functioning, given the type of technological devices underlying them”. For example, we talk about the camera that immortalizes the cars on the Pontebbana in Codroipo, similar to the “twin” one of the Napoleonica in Castions di Strada and the one on the Ferrata near Madrisio. The same goes for the detectors on the Valcellina road. But above all for the new velox on the Cimpello-Sequals.

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