“Post-earthquake reconstruction is still a model for Italy”

May 6, 1976 continues to be a watershed date in the history of Friuli. The memory of a huge tragedy remains, the pain for those who lost their lives and the closeness to the families of the victims, but also the pride linked to a bottom-up reconstruction which is still a model for all of Italy. 48 years after the earthquake, these are – as reported in a note – the reflections developed within the Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia. A region which, after the earthquake – continues the note – not only got back on its feet but was able to identify its own particular path for economic and social development, in the name of an autonomy which was and remains a feeling even before an opportunity dictated from the words written on the Statute. In the sign of a renewed awareness of one’s history and roots, in the aftermath of the earthquake – concludes the note – important institutions such as the University of Friuli and the Research Area in Trieste were born, capable of accompanying the economic growth of a a territory eager for a future, today as then.

The anniversary of the Friuli earthquake was also remembered by the extraordinary commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction in 2016, Guido Castelli, as “a dramatic page that profoundly marked our country”. “The post-earthquake phase in Friuli – added Castelli – laid the foundations for the birth of the National Civil Protection Service in 1981”. “For the first time, the ordinary bodies were identified – Minister of the Interior, Prefect, Government Commissioner in the Region, Mayor – and extraordinary Civil Protection bodies,” the commissioner said again. “Furthermore – he added – thanks to the intuition of Giuseppe Zamberletti, the various skills were regulated”. “The Friuli post-earthquake experience was a fundamental step in the creation of an organized civil protection system in Italy, a unique model in the world that sees operational, scientific and volunteer men and women working side by side,” he underlined. the commissioner. A commitment – continued the commissioner – that is decisive for the reconstruction processes in areas affected by disasters such as that of the 2016 crater. A process to which the Minister for Civil Protection and Maritime Policies and the department heads Fabrizio Curcio (Civil Protection) and Luigi Ferrara (Casa Italia), are contributing substantially, with professionalism and dedication. The common objective is to rebuild well and in the shortest time possible, overcoming those procedures and steps that prevent or slow down the processes”.

“On the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Friuli earthquake which devastated a hundred towns and caused the death of 965 people, I wish to renew my personal sincere closeness and that of the Senate of the Republic, to this wonderful land which was able to rise with strength from that tragedy , determination and courage”. The president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa wrote it on Facebook. “A dramatic event – ​​he adds – which still today must constitute a warning so that the institutions and actors involved absolutely adopt the indispensable prevention actions against seismic risk”.

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