Ancona, yellow at Poggio. The report to the police: «Abandoned slabs, is it Eternit?» – Ancona-Osimo news – CentroPagina

Our reader’s photo (courtesy)

ANCONA – Abandoned slabs at Poggio di Anconaa stone’s throw from the Conero provincial road: it is Eternit? The alarm comes from a citizen, who for privacy reasons prefers anonymity. The discovery was made yesterday morning (5 May), near the Street provincial 1, close to via del Poggio, behind the cemetery.

The field affected by the discovery would belong to a private individual, but there is an unknown on the road: municipal or local? «From what I know – reports our reader – the lands are privately owned, but apart from this, asbestos must be removed because it damages not only the health of the environment but also the health of the neighbourhood. I discovered it by chance when I happened to pass by there yesterday.”

The most accredited hypothesis is that “someone illegally placed the slabs that were the subject of the discovery in that part of the greenery”. Immediate reporting to the forestry police and – it seems – also at the Command of police local. The inspection could be held within a short time to ascertain any responsibilities.

Our reader’s photo (courtesy)

«The fact is that we live in one isolated area – reflection – and both lighting and some cameras would be needed to stem similar phenomena. I think it’s the first time asbestos has been found in these parts,” says the man. He continues: «When you look at them, they look like asbestos. We just need to understand whether there is fiberglass inside and therefore the sheets could have been sent to landfill or not.”

«But evidently – he continues – if someone decided to throw them there, I don’t think they could have been thrown in an ecological island». The police will take care of shedding light on the matter.

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